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Joined October 2016

Book lover in San Antonio, TX
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Excellent book, well-written as usual for a novel by James McBride.
A lot of humor to balance a gloom reality.
I know that having so many characters tend to scare or confuse some readers, but personally I love it, as it is more realistic.
The end, however, was disappointing... Too well wrapped up for my liking.

Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes Excellent book. His “The Good Lord Bird” is one of my favorite books. 1mo
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Le Silence de la mer | Vercors Vercors
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Very good collection of short stories by Vercors, all set during WW2.
In Le Silence de la mer, silence plays a major role as a resistance tool. It's really well written.
Outside one or two stories I didn't care much about, the other stories in this collection are equally good, I really enjoyed Ce jour-là, which is told by a young narrator about the arrest of his parents.

Available in English.

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Very interesting read. Well-written.
It's always interesting to me to read about a writer's life, as it shows where he got some of his inspiration for his books.

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The Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck
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My book club was reading The Four Winds, which I had already read, so instead I picked up The Grapes of Wrath.
I honestly prefer the latter which offers more characters, more depths, more complexity. It's a very interesting read about a very difficult time. Well-written, realistic.

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Well-written story, it is easy to get attached to the different characters, the storyline about the boy sent to the asylum was very interesting, while difficult to read.
However, the way he structured this novel didn't really work for me. We start with bones being discovered in a neighborhood, then yes, we find out who they belong to, but that mystery isn't used to its full potential, it feels like an excuse to explore the past.

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I read tome 1 to 5 of this manga series based on Japan's emperor Hirohito. They're the only ones available in French. I think this series isn't available in English.
Overall, it's an interesting series, as it focuses on his education. I really liked the first ones when people in charge of his education question themselves and try to figure out what education an emperor should receive. It's a quick read that offers a glimpse into Japan's history.

Grass | Keum Suk Gendry-Kim
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Excellent graphic non-fiction about “comfort women“ (Japanese euphemism for “prostitute“ which refers to the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery during WW2)
Beautifully illustrated, this book offers the moving testimony of a comfort woman. The author also shares her thoughts, she draws herself during the interviews, during her research, which adds value, and also shows how politically this issue is still unresolved.

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Not my cup of tea.
Light read, very predictable (in the first few pages, you know exactly what will happen)
Quite a lot of repetitive parts...
It's a cliché story, Hallmark like.

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The perfect book to travel from your couch. The pictures are stunning.

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First, I think these poems were collected mostly from personal letters Proust sent to friends, so they were not intended for publication.
Because of this, they are not polished, they tend to be simplistic in the rhymes, but also they contain a lot of personal references or references to characters from that period, which can make their context difficult to understand.

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Hawking | Jim Ottaviani
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Graphic biography of Stephen Hawking.
It focuses more on his work, which is quite hard to understand. I probably should have read physics for dummies beforehand, haha.

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I really liked the historical parts about the Holodomor, the man-made famine in Eastern Ukraine orchestrated by Stalin. It's a subject I knew nothing about, and quite depressing to read. To counterbalance this, the author brings us back to the present, but unfortunately does a pretty bad job with conveying feelings. The present parts read like a Hallmark movie...

A Woman's Story | Annie Ernaux
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In this short book (90 pages), Annie Ernaux recounts the life of her mother, a woman with ambition, who like her daughter, changed social status (one of the major theme of Annie Ernaux).
Ernaux's writing is very factual, bare, distanced. Some parts read like photographs, a description of a short moment in life.
Another theme: mother-daughter relationship in this context of socio-economical growth.

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Here is my current read with my favorite chocolates from France, and a glass of chai with my homemade chai concentrate! I started with three bottles of water, I added ten bags of Bengal spice herbal tea, then I filled out three tea bags with black pepper, cloves, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon and cayenne pepper... The result: two bottles of chai concentrate and a little extra for two cups of chai. And, it's quite spicy 🔥🔥 Just like I like it.

The Lido | Libby Page
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Usually, I'm not a fan of feel good books as they tend to be very cheesy. But this one I very much liked. I enjoyed how Libby Page writes about time passing. It's a book filled with nostalgia which also talks about what a community is made of. Well written, she's definitely written about what she knew, and it helped her staying away from clichés.

The Lido | Libby Page
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My current read ;)

Still have a lot of pages to read for my book club tomorrow morning... But with a warm chai, I should be able to make it.

And you, what is your current read?

Princess-Kingofkings I‘m imagining Chai in that beautiful mug. ☺️ 3mo
JamieArc I really liked that book, mostly because I love swimming and I love a community of people coming together. 3mo
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Red Ultramarine | Manuele Fior
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Striking art in black and red, unfortunately the story didn't work for me... The references to the mythology aren't integrated well to the plotline. It's actually hard to make sense of this graphic novel: the plot itself, but also the message the author wanted to pass on.

The Reader on the 6.27 | Jean-Paul Didierlaurent
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Short feel good novel.
Guylain's job is destroying books. Each morning, in the RER heading for work, he reads out loud random sheets that escaped the destructive machine.
We follow Guylain, the atypical characters he meets.
Overall, an interesting and somewhat funny read.

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The Reader on the 6.27 | Jean-Paul Didierlaurent
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#wondrouswednesday @eggs

- Paperback for convenience
- Fiction in French, but nonfiction in English
- Historical fiction, but world fiction would be my favorite, love to travel through books
- I like reading classics, but I actually read more recent releases...
- 100% tea
- 100% physical books
- Print, I just can't do audiobooks

Currently reading tagged book... 65 pages in, not sure where the writer wants to take me...

Eggs This book sounds good 🩷💜🩷 4mo
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @Eggs So far, so good. I like when a book manages to surprise me. 4mo
Eggs @Adventures-of-a-French-Reader That is a magical experience isn‘t it? 4mo
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Étienne Klein recounts his search to discover what came of Ettore Majorana, a brilliant physicist who chose to disappear in 1938. Suicide, new life? Klein covers Majorana's impact in the field of physics, how he's still quite relevant today.
Despite Klein's efforts to simplify the science, I must admit having been lost in some parts because I don't have the basics...
Overall, Klein brushes an interesting portrait of a complicated man.

Passport | Sophia Glock
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Quick read about Sophia Glock's teenage years spent living abroad because of her parents' job. Also about her difficulty dealing with the secrecy of their job.
The feeling of belonging nowhere expressed in this book is relatable, but I couldn't care less about her adolescent drama.

Wife of the Gods: A Novel | Kwei J. Quartey
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Interesting first book in a mystery series set in Ghana where modernity clashes with tradition and superstitions. In this first book, we get to know detective inspector Darko Dawson: his family, his past, his good and bad qualities. I'm quite curious about reading the next book in the series (on hold at my library).

The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Another excellent choice by #EuropaCollective
Very well written book about a dark time in our history, the Holocaust, and how it impacted the author and her family. Identity, antisemitism, loss, legitimacy are themes present in this book. When trying to find the author of the postcard, she actually learns about her lost relatives, she talked about their aspirations, which is quite touching. And the end... just a well-needed slap in the face.

BarbaraBB Great review! 4mo
Anna40 Agree! Great review 4mo
tpixie Perfect review 🇫🇷💔 4mo
jlhammar It really was excellent. Wonderful review! 4mo
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Soft pick. Feel-good read with humorous parts, some rom-com, it could easily be the next Hallmark movie. I've read it at the beginning of March, and I had to read the summary to refresh my memory, so it didn't leave much of an impact... No wow effect, but an enjoyable read nonetheless. Perhaps some of you could choose it as a palate cleanser.

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First tome in this manga series. It was an interesting read, and I'm definitely interested in the rest of the series. This tome focuses on the education of the future emperor of Japan, Showa Hirohito, in the early 1900s.

Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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At around 100 pages from the end, I just had to bail...
I think the writing style is really what I didn't connect with. I couldn't enter into the story, I wasn't interested enough to know the end.

Susanita I bailed on this too. She‘s very hit-or-miss for me. 4mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
CallMeIshmael Same 4mo
See All 7 Comments
Tamra I didn‘t appreciate it either. 4mo
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @Susanita @CallMeIshmael @Tamra Always good to know I wasn't the only one. 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Glad I‘m not alone… I‘m struggling to finish and it‘s my book club read! 4mo
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It was also a book club read, but I skipped it. I'm actually a member of several book clubs, but now I started to be selective. If I don't feel the book, I skip it. I only keep one book club where I read everything (but I end up being the hard to please reader...) 4mo
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Excellent book about the rise of the ku klux klan in the 1920s. The author gives a lot of information about the creation of the klan, how they grew, how they organized, and focused mainly on Stephenson, aka the Grand Dragon: from his rise inside the movement, to his influence in American politics, and most importantly his debauchery, which will lead to his fall.

The subtitle is somewhat misleading... But it's well worth the reäd.

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Morning hot chocolate... So good...

Programme of the day:
Morning - read
Afternoon - non-fiction bookclub
Night - read

The perfect day planned!

TheKidUpstairs Sounds like the best kind of day! I've heard great things about this book, too. 5mo
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @thekidupstairs It is an excellent book, the beginning can be a little tedious, but that tedious beginning is necessary to get the whole picture. 5mo
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2/5 - Very light so-so
I would have preferred a story only focusing on the past, as the modern story is 1) a pseudo self-help disguised as fiction (a crisis in the marriage, she leaves to be alone, after not even a week, she's on the mend, all that peppered with self-analysis 🙄), and 2) highly unrealistic (in relation to the studies in Cambridge).
The story of the apothecary is interesting, but the end is... disappointing.

tpixie Agree! 4mo
Andrea4 Could not agree more ESPECIALLY with the Cambridge stuff. One night application? Auto entry?? 9mon program?? 3mo
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The Daughters of Ys | M. T. Anderson
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Excellent retelling of a Breton folktale.
It's a dark tale about the rise and fall of Ys with beautiful illustrations. I find it also to be a nuanced tale about power, with metaphors about all the sacrifices it may entail.

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Very good historical fiction, well-written and well-researched.
I really enjoyed traveling through time, and learning more about Chinese history and eastern medicine. It's a very good story about friendship and about women supporting other women.
I feel like Lisa See really did her research to write a realistic historical fiction, which I appreciate.

Cosmos_Moon Cool, I‘ve read a few of her books and have enjoyed them all. Looks like a new TBR 📚 6mo
Aimeesue See‘s got pictures of the marriage bed handed down through her family on her website. Really interesting! 6mo
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Some interesting info, but I was quite put off by her way of looking at their life through our modern prism, and then explaining how it was at the time, these parts reading as if it was written for middle schoolers.
Also, what I see as a marketing ploy to sale more books by focusing only on the female siblings didn't work for me. Churchill's son is barely mentioned, and it would have been great to see the whole dynamic between the siblings.

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During Lebanon civil war, Zeina and her brother wait for her parents to come back from visiting their grandmother. As the bombing grows in intensity, we are waiting with them & their neighbors. Tension is palpable, past events are shared, allowing us to get a little more acquainted with the neighbors.
Some illustrations worked well to express the tension. But the book shortness makes it harder to create a deep connection with the characters.

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Dany Laferrière chronicles his first year in Quebec through short free verses. He evokes a lot of topics (weather, immigration, solitude, men/women relationships, integration, etc.), vignettes after vignettes, with the five senses very present throughout.
Overall, an interesting read.

Seeing Red | Lina Meruane
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In Seeing Red, we follow Lina whose bleeding in her eyes is making her blind. Doctor appointments, family worries, her relationship with her partner, her anguish, her fantasies, her hopes, her fears: we're witnessing it all.
Lina Meruane is very good at materializing a scene through her writing. This book is definitely an experience to be read.

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Just finished the 4th of the novellas in the Murderbot series! Yeah. Overall, it's an entertaining series to read (didn't like much the 2nd one). I may try later the first novel in the series, but I actually liked that they were novellas... Probably because I'm not a big fan of sci-fi. But I'm curious about the evolution of Murderbot. We'll see, so many books I want to read.

shanaqui Depending on why you didn't like the second book, you might want to avoid the novel. 🤔ART is a major character again in Network Effect, and I know some people hate that character. 😅 7mo
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A Minute's Silence | Siegfried Lenz
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A ceremony and a minute of silence are organized in memory of Stella Petersen, an English teacher at a highschool. During this ceremony, Christian, one of her students, remembers their story together, up to her accidental death.

Very well written, this short story is about loss, memories, first love, forbidden love. I liked the rhythm of the story, the coming back and forth. Overall a beautiful read.

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- Badly structured, ideas not well organized
- Too much auto flagellation. Recognizing privileges is good, but here it's just too much, nearly caricatural
- What is the point of this book? Not clear. Her experience working at a public library is actually a small portion of this book...
- She points interesting issues, but her thought process seems unfinished, blurry.
This book is lacking on so many levels, wanted to bail...

A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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I read it in French, not in English. Now, I have a reading list of mostly French books to read, yeah! Did the translator chose mostly English books? I see myself borrowing the book at my local library just to get the list of books, haha.

Loved the questions this book is asking: how would you curate your ideal bookstore? What constitutes a good book?

jlhammar Fabulous review! Wow, so cool that you read the French edition. Great cover. I think that the English translation kept all the same titles and authors. Lots of titles discussed were in French. 7mo
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The Kindest Lie: A Novel | Nancy Johnson
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The past couple of years, I participated in a lot of book clubs, always trying to read the books. But looking back to my 2023 reading, I must confess being disappointed. So my New Year resolution is to only read books that I'm interested in.
This book, for example, I knew it wouldn't be a pick for me, and my instinct was correct for most of the books picked by my book clubs.
Now, I'm sure 2024 will be a more rewarding year for my reading.

Black Cake | Charmaine Wilkerson
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Interesting plot, but I felt that some characters or parts of the plot were underdeveloped. It's well constructed, I see why the author chose the flashbacks and the different voices to write her book, but the end of the book (last 100 pages) seems rushed.
I don't think it's a story that'll stick with me. Mainstream/beach read category to me.

Remote Control | Nnedi Okorafor
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Who is Sankofa, that young girl who sometimes radiates a dangerous green light around her, and who kills any technology by just touching it?
Excellent novella, perfect for a book club as it deals with numerous themes (technology, guilt, society...). At my book club, a member asked what was the message of the book, but there isn't a clear one, I LOVE that, it's a book that will make you think, not one that's going to tell you how you should think.

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First off, western isn't my cup of tea. The plot was okayish, but the ending of the book seemed rushed, quite unsatisfactory. My ending thought: "all this drama for that ending!?"

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Excellent book that is not available in English (to my knowledge).

In a supermarket, Bertille asks Victor Kessler if he has time for a survey when he collapses and is brought to the hospital. In his bag, she discovers a handwritten confession about a 40 year old crime for which Kessler spent 30 years in jail. Was he guilty or innocent? Bertille launches into an investigation that won't only shed light on Victor's past.

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Unmasked: Memoir | PAUL. HOLES
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Interesting book that offers food for thought and breaks some stereotypes about serial killers (notably the one about them being unable to stop). It also shows the real work of the police, the toll this exposure to violence can cause, and unfortunately how bad the judicial system is (petty competition between police forces, the underfunding of the justice system, etc.) It led to an interesting conversation in my book club 📚

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It's getting addictive... You just want to know what happens next.

Rachel Smythe integrates very smoothly phones and social media into her stories, which actually few authors manage to do well. It's really a plus for me.

A lot of interesting themes too: sexual violence, toxic relationships, boundaries, love, friendship, etc.

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As the title suggests, in this book, Catherine Millet recounts her sexual life, her experiences, but what makes this read quite interesting is that she reflects upon it. Images play a big role (she's an art critic after all). Definitely not for prudish people (orgies, public sex, swingers, etc.), I feel this book is to be read with no judgement, as an exploration of a world that is unknown to most of us.

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I would have never picked this book if it weren't for a bookclub, and it was a good surprise (3.5).

It was an interesting read, well-written and well-constructed. Erin French shares with total honesty her journey that will finally lead her to create The Lost Kitchen in Freedom, Maine. She talks openly about her toxic marriage, about her drug abuse, and her nasty divorce.

It's a story of resilience, that may resonate with a lot of women.

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Catching up on my reviews this morning with a chai. Today I'll be taking a relaxing day to read and relax after two weeks of crazy work.

I read this book for my French bookclub (meeting in San Antonio, TX), and as all poetry collections, some poems I liked more than others. The themes in these poems are Congo, exploitation, violence, immigration, among others.

The poems are well-written, accessible, and interesting to read.

JamieArc How would you translate the title? 9mo
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @JamieArc "From. Blood to the Smell of Tears" would be how I would translate it 9mo
JamieArc Ah oui! Merci! I tend to get too literal in my translations and couldn‘t get over “odor” 😂 9mo
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All Systems Red | Martha Wells
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As a reader who is not drawn to science-fiction, I feel this novella is a great introduction to the genre. I already checked out the other three novellas of the Murderbot Diaries ;)

The plot was interesting, it reads like an episode of a series. And most importantly, when finished, we want to read what comes next...