Maddy is allergic to the world...
Sad, sensitive, shocking. All these words will describe the story of two suicidal people learning to live. Unfortunately, only one comes out of the other end.
This book splits up into three different story lines, with three women. One moved down with her boyfriend, one had a child die and her marriage broke apart and one had her heart broken.
I found the writing In this book plain. I often found myself drifting off into my head. I wouldn't recommend it.
When I picked up this book, I thought that this would be one of those normal chick lit books. Yet, as I turned the pages it turned out to be something more. There was conflict, happiness and sadness. Reading this was a world wind of emotions, a rollercoaster ride that is definitely worth lining up for. #businessowners #romance
On board a puffer boat in the Western Isles of Scotland, Emily is spending an idyllic summer at sea.