so far this book has taught me that self-love is really the only love that you need to keep yourself sane. but I haven't finished the book yet so I'm not done reading but i would recommend it to people fs
so far this book has taught me that self-love is really the only love that you need to keep yourself sane. but I haven't finished the book yet so I'm not done reading but i would recommend it to people fs
The book shows you how greedy people can be and it can make them do some outrageous things all for money. But this book also shows you that you have to go through different challenges to make you the person that you are.
this book is about going through a very difficult thing in life and learning to love yourself again and being nice to your inner child and just letting go of the past. I really enjoyed the book I'm going through similar things myself and I think the book helped me heal through what I'm going through.