“Words can cause as much damage as a fist. They can leave deep scars that never fully heal. And they can kill.” Anne Bishop never disappoints. She creates worlds that are just a little bent with wonderful characters.
“Words can cause as much damage as a fist. They can leave deep scars that never fully heal. And they can kill.” Anne Bishop never disappoints. She creates worlds that are just a little bent with wonderful characters.
Men had no idea what it was like to be a mother. The ache of loving a child, even when he had moved on.
From Chapter 1 - Material Witness - Being a seasoned Londoner, Martin gave the body the 'London once over' - a quick glance to determine whether this was a drunk, or crazy or a human being in distress. The fact that it was entirely possible for someone to be all three simultaneously is why good-Samaritanism in London is considered an extreme sport - like BASE jumping or crocodile wrestling.