Ahhhh, Nora Roberts. Her trilogies are so great, and if I need to give my brain a little bit of a rest I turn to her stories. I love them, but I can also read them on autopilot, heh.
Ahhhh, Nora Roberts. Her trilogies are so great, and if I need to give my brain a little bit of a rest I turn to her stories. I love them, but I can also read them on autopilot, heh.
I love anything and everything that Amy Schumer has her hand in, and this book is no exception. She goes deep into her past with her family, relationships, and her climb into celebrity. Obviously not meant for sensitive readers, it's not for everyone, but I loved it. Big recommend. 😊
As a huge (HUGE) fan of Mr. King, I decided I would reread his canon starting this year--which is a huge, HUGE undertaking, especially since I have so many books on my TBR shelf, heh. It's so worth it though, this book is very long but it is so, so fantastic. The characters stick with you, both good and bad. Such an incredible story!! (And if you're wanting to read the Dark Tower series, this one is a must.) 😊
Mr. Moore is one of the most hilarious writers I've come across. I love his main character Pocket, such caustic wit!! Two thumbs up.
I love love love Mr. Hill, I've yet to read anything that he's written that didn't completely absorb me almost instantly. Incredible book!