“But the trees know their own. They will cherish the wild spirits and frighten the daylights out of the tame.” -Ruskin Bond, Once Upon a Mountain Time 🌲
“But the trees know their own. They will cherish the wild spirits and frighten the daylights out of the tame.” -Ruskin Bond, Once Upon a Mountain Time 🌲
These are some of the most beautiful stories I‘ve ever read, and I highly recommend this book to old and young, fiction and non-fiction lovers alike. Probably my favorite book I‘ve read in a while, 10/10 👑
Although I feel there were parts it could‘ve been written a bit better, this was an enjoyable book. I love the idea of more fairytales surrounding other parts of the world. Overall a very good read and perfect for children
This is so sad, Alexasiriastrophona play despacito
From The Trials of Apollo book three: The burning maze. We love botany 🌻🌼🌸🌺🌹🌷💐❤️
From The Trials of Apollo book 3: The Burning Maze. I‘ve got a bad feeling about this...
My local library has a signed copy of The Sisters Grimm book three: The Problem Child by Michael Buckley! 😱
“Everything alive deserves a chance to grow” Riordan, The Dark Prophecy, 216
“Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what‘s left and live it properly...
...What doesn‘t transmit light creates its own darkness” Riordan, The Dark Prophecy, 370
“We only fail when we stop trying” Riordan, The Dark Prophecy, 266