In which I pass the last week (experienced as a billion hours) or so of pregnancy learning why, for once, I'm so very glad to live WHEN I do.... witty despite the subject matter... fascinating..
In which I pass the last week (experienced as a billion hours) or so of pregnancy learning why, for once, I'm so very glad to live WHEN I do.... witty despite the subject matter... fascinating..
I think we may enjoy this as much as we have enjoyed Redwall despite it seeming a lot lighter than that thick series of epic battles. Only a couple of chapters in and already there's plenty of both character building and excitement without seeming forced.
A favourite reread, in this era of interesting times. Pratchett takes us on another meaningful, sharply funny turn through a reality with more than an eerily sharp grip on The Truth. Magnificent satire, eloquent fantasy, and a good laugh in one. "The Truth Will Make Ye Fret"