“Justice is not guaranteed. It must be demanded. Not once. Not twice. But repeatedly... when we stand up as a larger collective and persevere together we can eventually wear down those in power to do what is right.”
“Justice is not guaranteed. It must be demanded. Not once. Not twice. But repeatedly... when we stand up as a larger collective and persevere together we can eventually wear down those in power to do what is right.”
I have this rule that I have to read the book before I see the movie.. can‘t wait to see this one at the end of February!
“Present Moment Awareness + Non-Judgement of Thoughts, Feelings, and Experiences = Mindfulness”
ending my day with my new mindfulness journal! just a few pages in and I already have a few new strategies to practice mindfulness for myself, and with my students, tomorrow 😌
still unsure about this book...
• The back and forth of Tessa and Hardin‘s relationship was repetitive, exhausting, and somewhat problematic. Very frustrating, and sad, to read.
• Parts of their relationships, some interactions they had didn‘t sit right with me.. yet I could not stop reading.
• I was also was not expecting how graphic this book would be!
But THE ENDING. Definitely need to read the sequel just because of that cliffhanger !!
currently listening to: The Last Black Unicorn. Love that it‘s read by Tiffany Haddish; I think I‘m enjoying the book much more because it‘s read by the author!
about to mail this one to a friend, I loved it so much! dragged a little bit at certain points, but overall a good read!