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Joined August 2024

🍁 Autumn is my favorite season but I love reading year round. ❄🌷🌻
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This was a gift from a friend, otherwise I probably would have remained completely unaware of this quick read. Written as a cautionary short story, it leaves one wondering who is to be trusted and who isn't? The answer isn't always obvious. #fiction #retrocovers

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Candy Corn Murder | Leslie Meier
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Part of my #HauntedShelf #TBR for team #SkeletonCrew. 💀 I have an additional list in my notebook for library books. This is an impossible reading TBR but then I never know what I'm going to feel like reading. 👻 There are so many enticing choices that I'm finding it difficult to wait until October to start! 🎃
@Emilymdxn 🙂

Emilymdxn I am so delightfully intrigued by candy corn murder I think I need to read that now 🎃 3w
Seabreeze_Reader @Emilymdxn It looks to be a fun read! Enjoy! 🎃💀🎃 3w
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kspenmoll You have some great choices there! 3w
Seabreeze_Reader @kspenmoll Thank You! 🎃🎃🎃 3w
AllDebooks Great choices 👌 3w
Seabreeze_Reader @AllDebooks Thanks! Have fun with your list, too. 🎃💀🎃 3w
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Just an FYI for LT users: LibraryThing is currently under attack by hackers. When users click on certain links or book reviews, they are being redirected to malicious websites. 😡😱 Tim and his dedicated staff are working on it but I saw in LT talk this morning they are still having issues. I feel so bad for them! (Personally, I am going to stay off the LT website & app for a while though while they fix things.)

Seabreeze_Reader This mayhem seems limited to LT. However, if anyone should notice any suspicious redirects after clicking on a book cover or link on Litsy, I would suggest sending an email to Tim @ librarything.com . (edited) 3w
Bookwomble I reported ongoing issues I was experiencing after they initially thought they'd fixed it. Hopefully it will be sorted soon. 3w
Bookwomble Just checked into the LT talk page, and Tim posted 30 minutes ago that he's still working on it. Hopefully Litsy won't be affected 🤞🏻 3w
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Bookwomble It seems to be fixed now - the book links I was having trouble with now work fine, as do the few random ones I tried. Yeah, it seems a pointlessly vandalistic thing to do 🤷🏻‍♂️ but I suppose being reasonable isn't in the spammer's job description. 3w
Seabreeze_Reader @Bookwomble Thanks for letting us know what is currently going on. 🤗 Much appreciated.
I experienced the redirects yesterday and reported it via email because I was totally freaked out and afraid of having something bad installed on my device.
Tim is so dedicated and good about responding back plus keeping users updated. They will eventually figure things out. I feel outraged by the attack on LT. So wrong!
(Sorry had to repost my comment.)
Bookwomble 😊👍🏻 3w
Seabreeze_Reader Several of us on Litsy are noticing backslashes being inserted into our comments every time we use an apostrophe mark in a word to make a contraction. Is anyone else having the same weird issue??? @Bookwomble ??? 3w
Bookwomble Yes, I reported that on LT earlier, too. I'll tag @Timspalding.test here, but I imagine he's got his hands full dealing with the other thing for now 🙂 3w
Bookwomble Tim has replied to my bug report, saying he'll look into it. The Talk Topic is here: https://www.librarything.com/topic/363360#n8622917 3w
Seabreeze_Reader @Bookwomble - Thanks so much for reporting it! Hopefully it is just an unrelated weird glitch but the timing is really coincidental. Better to report it, just in case. I agree they probably have their hands full right now. 😞 (Trying to avoid using a contraction while writing this, lol.) 3w
Bookwomble @Seabreeze_Reader Lt. Cmdr. Data of the Federation Starship Enterprise is your guide in this speech pattern! 🖖😁 3w
Seabreeze_Reader @Bookwomble (Ha!!! ) Make it so.🖖👍 3w
AnnCrystal Thank you for keeping us informed 📚💝! Yikes 😳🥺🤨🙏📚. 3w
Seabreeze_Reader @AnnCrystal - You're welcome. All will be well. 🤗 3w
AnnCrystal @Seabreeze_Reader ☺️👍💝. 3w
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My three Halloween reading recs:
1. The Canterville Ghost - A short classic and even spookier fun on audio.
2. A Rare Interest In Corpses - Cozy mystery with a bit of gore.
3. We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Gothic and creepy.
#TLT @dabbe
Tagging anyone who wants to play! 👻

dabbe Some spooky choices! Thanks for sharing! 🩶🧡🩶 3w
Emilymdxn Cosy mystery with a bit of gore sounds very up my street I must check that out 🎃 3w
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Skeleton Crew | Stephen King
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There's still time to join in with the October reading thrills and chills! Teams are starting to be organized now but sign-ups are through the end of September.
🎃👻🕷️ https://forms.gle/WYnaNvp3dmRed8jZ7
#HauntedShelf hosted by @PuddleJumper

Team #SkeletonCrew 💀 @Emilymdxn

Emilymdxn 💀💀💀💀 3w
Seabreeze_Reader #HauntedShelf #LetsGo Share sign-up link/post: 10 points 3w
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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This definitely has a 1970s-1980s feel to it but in a good way. Anastasia is one of those opinionated child characters that you like but also sometimes wish would just chill out. Overall, this was a fun, quirky story and the parts involving Anastasia's grandmother were especially poignant.
#childrensclassicread2024 @TheBookHippie

TheBookHippie I did adore it so! 3w
Seabreeze_Reader It boggles my mind that this book has frequently been on #bannedbooks lists. I sometimes wonder if school libraries will continue to exist because at some point there won't be any books left that haven't been banned. 3w
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I thought this was a really cute mini-challenge & coloring book graphic for October. Maybe it could be used in conjunction with the #AutumnReadingChallenge @PuddleJumper is hosting too?
To get a link to a .pdf of the graphic, just provide an email address at the following link on the Book Girls Guide website. I've been following them for years and (to date) haven't received any spam.

Seabreeze_Reader They also have a Fall mini challenge with a printable coloring book page filled with leaves.🍁Super cute!

#October #ReadingChallenge #HauntedShelf #Coloring #BGG
(edited) 4w
PuddleJumper That's really cute! 4w
Allylu I‘m doing this one, too! 3w
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Pride and Prejudice | Austen Jane
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Although there are fan-fiction versions, sometimes I wish there was a sequel to P & P. It would have been a treat to see how Jane would have continued on with the characters of her creation.
#SundayFunday @BookmarkTavern

BookmarkTavern That is such a lovely idea! Thanks for posting! 4w
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This is a well researched children's biography of author L. M. Montgomery. Given the level of writing and some of the subjects covered, I feel this is a YA level book. It was interesting to learn more about a favorite author but I didn't realize the magnitude of Montgomery's high & lows, including some tumultuous personal relationships. I'm glad writing brought her comfort and she was able to create some hopeful books despite all the challenges.

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My #monthlywrapup for #August. This was a unusual month filled with YA rereads and #moodreading. Anne of Green Gables on audio ended up being my favorite of the bunch. As you all can probably tell, I'm not a super fast reader in comparison to a lot of Littens. I'm looking forward to my October reading so I can sneak in some spooky picture books.🕷🎃🕸
(Missing from the bookcovers are Penny From Heaven and Maisie Dobbs.)
#middlegrade #YA

September | Rosamunde Pilcher
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My #SeptemberTBR isn't a long list but fits well with my current #moodreading.🍁

#Autumn #MountTBR #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMReread @BarbaraJean

Seabreeze_Reader Well, I after a few chapters, I already bailed on September. Maybe it's just a timing thing but I couldn't get into the story at all. 4w
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Anne of Green Gables | L. M. Montgomery
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“MRS. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies‘ eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place; it was reputed to be an intricate, headlong brook in its earlier course through those woods, with dark secrets of pool and cascade; ⬇⬇⬇

Seabreeze_Reader but by the time it reached Lynde‘s Hollow it was a quiet, well-conducted little stream, for not even a brook could run past Mrs. Rachel Lynde‘s door without due regard for decency and decorum; ⬇⬇⬇ 1mo
Seabreeze_Reader it probably was conscious that Mrs. Rachel was sitting at her window, keeping a sharp eye on everything that passed, from brooks and children up, and that if she noticed anything odd or out of place she would never rest until she had ferreted out the whys and wherefores thereof.“

I think that's the end of the first sentence. Whew!
Seabreeze_Reader Right now I'm in a weird reading limbo mental space between Summer and Autumn, so my only answer was to begin listening to an old favorite. 🍃🌻🍁🍂 1mo
Seabreeze_Reader This is a wonderfully produced audiobook and I have enjoyed listening to the multicast production during the past few days. A big thumbs up! 👍 1mo
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Penny from Heaven | Jennifer L. Holm
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Penny From Heaven is a 2007 #NewberyHonor historical fiction book. Partially based on the author's Italian heritage, the story is short, nostalgic and has some interesting characters. I don't know how relatable it would be to the average kid right now though. Giving this a thumbs-up but it's also a soft-pick for me.
#newberyreading #2007 #middlegrade

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A Question for the kind Litsy community, does anyone know of an active Newbery Medal Winners challenge here? I looked through Litsy Events and also searched some tags, but only found one challenge (#newberyepicchallenge) that seems to no longer be active. Maybe I missed something though. I've read some of the Newbery winners already but would like to read more, especially the more popular, highly rated books. Thanks so much for your help. 🙂

PageShifter I have not seen one 🤔 2mo
Librarybelle There is not an active challenge at this time, as far as I know! 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @PageShifter @Librarybelle - Thank you both for letting me know. 🤗
I suppose I could create one for Litsy but I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in participating, especially since the old challenge is inactive. There is a Newbery Winners challenge on Storygraph but I'm not very that active in that site.
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Librarybelle You could do a general ask on Litsy and tag the profile LitsyEvents…anyone who follows the profile would see your question. That could help you gage interest. 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @Librarybelle Thanks for the suggestion. 🤗 I'll think about it. 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader Since I'm such a #moodreader, I think I'm going to do an unofficial flexible challenge and use the tag #newberyreading. After looking through the Newbery Medal winners list, there are some I've read before. Others winning books I don't care to read, so I might substitute an Honor nominee for those years. 2mo
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Milk and Honey | Rupi Kaur
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From an article I read this morning, 13 more books are now banned from Utah school libraries. The most disturbing part of the equation is the original language suggested for the updated law was for these books to be “destroyed“ which was later changed to “disposed of.“ However, school libraries are not allowed to sell or donate the books. It sounds like something straight out of Fahrenheit 451.
(Article link below) #bannedbooks

DaveGreen7777 Yikes! 😱 These are scary times! 😔 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader Full article: https://www.kuer.org/education/2024-08-02/these-are-the-13-books-now-banned-stat...
“A Court of Thorns and Roses”
“A Court of Frost and Starlight”
“A Court of Mist and Fury”
“A Court of Silver Flames”
“A Court of Wings and Ruin”
“Empire of Storms”
“What Girls are Made of”
“Milk and Honey“
“Fallout (Crank, Book 3)
“Oryx and Crake”
atenelli I am, of course, teaching to the choir here, but I am so disgusted by these events. Have these people forgotten history? https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/book-burning 2mo
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atenelli And as Heinrich Heine, a famous German poet said: “Where they butn books, they will also ultimately burn people.” 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @DaveGreen7777 @atenelli Thanks so much for commenting and sharing your POVs. 🙂 2mo
Reggie When I saw this book of poetry was on the list I thought they must hate girls. I took this book to work a long time ago because we had some really judgmental girls and read a poem or two from this book. The real short one-Let‘s not make war zones out of each others bodies. The guys got it, the girls, not really. lol 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @Reggie Thanks for commenting. 🙂 I also don't understand why they target certain books and not others. There is only one male author on the list though. Craig Thompson who wrote “Blankets.“
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Maisie Dobbs (Anniversary) | Jacqueline Winspear
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In this first novel we meet a spirited young lady named Maisie, who through a series of some improbable events, eventually becomes a WWI nurse, & then a detective.
Favorite Quote:
“The feeling inside that she experienced when she saw the books was akin to the hunger she felt as food was put on the table at the end of the working day. And she knew that she needed this sustenance as surely as her body needed its fuel.”
#cozymystery #serieslove2024

TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
tpixie BEST.Quote.Ever 🩵📘🩵 2mo
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Librarybelle I really enjoyed this book. I may have to reread it soon! 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @Librarybelle Did you read other books in the series, too? If so, I was just wondering what your opinion was of the 2nd book, Birds of a Feather. 2mo
Librarybelle I read either the first two or three. I remember liking the second book as well! 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @Librarybelle Thanks so much! That's encouraging to know you also liked the 2nd book. Sometimes I find a series improves as it goes along. 🙂 2mo
Librarybelle I think so too! 2mo
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Even though it's only August, I'm already feeling that longing for the Autumn season and Fall reading. Maybe there are other readers on Litsy who feel the same way?
Just thought I'd mention, I've been on Litsy in the past but for various reasons I requested my account be deactivated at some point. Seabreeze_Reader is very close to the 1st profile name I had, prior to when LT purchased Litsy. There was no web version available then.

Seabreeze_Reader (Image Credit: Wikimedia/public domain) 2mo
Jess861 Autumn is the best time of year and the best time to read!! 🍂🍂 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @Jess861 👍🤗 Glad to meet another fan of all-things-Autumn. Thanks for commenting. 🍁 2mo
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CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family 😁📚 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @CrowCAH Thank you! 🤗 🌻 2mo
CBee Welcome to Litsy, @Seabreeze_Reader ♥️ I live in Alabama so I can‘t WAIT for fall. This summer has been brutal 🥵 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @CBee Thank you.🌻 I wish you some cooler weather soon. (edited) 2mo
bthegood welcome to Litsy - 🙂 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader Thanks for the warm welcome @bthegood. 🙂🌺 2mo
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @BookwormAHN Thank you. 😁🍁🌻 I'm glad to be back here and am looking forward to some Fall Litsy challenges, I hope! Besides the nice people, that is part of the reason I decided to rejoin. 👍🎃🍁 (edited) 2mo
tpixie @Seabreeze_Reader Welcome back!!! 🧡💛🎃 📙📒🍁 In Kansas today we are having Fall weather!! 77 degrees F will be the high! Such a relief from the summer heat- even if just for a few days! (edited) 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader Thank you.🌻77 degrees sounds wonderful @tpixie. When the weather gets above 85 degrees, I feel like hibernating. (edited) 2mo
PaperbackPirate Welcome back! Yes, I could go for some fall weather right about now. High here today is 106. ☀️ 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @PaperbackPirate Thanks so much. 🙂 Hoping Autumn weather comes your way sooner rather than later.🍁 2mo
MittenGirlPeach I feel the same way! September is a terrific month in southern Michigan. Still summer, with Fall nights (usually) and all the holidays coming up! 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @MittenGirlPeach That sounds lovely! 👍🌻 (edited) 2mo
DebinHawaii Welcome back to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉 2mo
Seabreeze_Reader @DebinHawaii - Thank you. 🙂🌞🌻 2mo
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