My favorite in the TOG series so far. It was chalked full of incredible character building. 4.5 🌟 Does anyone know where I can listen to Queen of Shadows? I can‘t find it on Libby or Hoopla.
this one will stand in for the series so far. hell ya what a great set of books!
#SeasonalSpiritShare @dabbe
Christmas music, crafting in front of the fireplace channel, reading, and holiday decor.
Overall, the story in this one‘s pretty interesting as a sort of “middle of the tale” part of the larger plot, but a touch on the inconsistent side. Also, I wish people who are 100+ years old would make decisions that reflect the weight of their lived experienced, even if they are immortal and/or young for their race.
Scenarios: cozy blankets, tea, comfy armchair/papasan chair. Or alternatively in front of a fireplace (real or on screen).
I anticipate actually finishing the tagged book this month.
A little over half finished now, I might actually finish this reread before it has to go back to the library again!
Am working my province's election this weekend.
Heir of fire is waiting for pickup at library.
Just started a new historical fiction.
Watched NCIS premiere and latest Grey's.
Bluesky is getting more lively.
Had to send the tagged back (hold request filler) jumping back into antidote for everything.
Also happy spooky season everyone!
How is everybody in #NorthCarolina faring? I hear the hurricane has gotten pretty nasty. #litsywellnesscheck #litsy
Setting aside Antidote for the time being and picking this up. Hoping to finish it before it has to go back to the library.
Well, this certainly took me forever to read. I was never bored, but man did this book feel long at times. I had decided to take a break from the series and read another book in between, and then the ending really made me question my resolve on that one!
If any group of people can appreciate my mug, it‘s on here. It‘s a coffee and ghost show kind of morning 👻…
I loved this book. It has more action. More characters. Even a group of witches. I hope they continue in the next books.
My full review is here: https://lsmoore49.blogspot.com/2024/06/heir-of-fire-by-sarah-j-maas.html
Absolutely loved it. I gave up waiting for my library request and just bought it. 🤫
I especially enjoyed reading Celaena learn and learn embrace her magic. Super good baddies - lots of evil beings to fight.
Now to go straight on to Queen of Shadows.
I will never stop saying it till I die. The beach is the best place to read a book no debate.❤️
About 100 pages into this one, and I'm not feeling it. I read Crown of Midnight in just a day and was hoping this one would hit me the same, but idk. It's dragging. Hopefully, it gets better.
One thing I do always and unreservedly love about Sarah J. Maas‘s books: from HEIR OF FIRE onwards, she thanks her dog in every Acknowledgments.
Dogs are super important, y‘all.
In actual book news, I finished rereading it this morning and I‘m back to loving it. Hurray! Just gotta tackle some library materials (and maybe an unread purchase) and it‘s on to QUEEN OF SHADOWS.
The great problem with ebook omnibi is that you have only a rough idea how far you are into each individual book. I know I‘m past the 2/3 mark going by the number of chapters, but I‘d have to do a lot of awkward bouncing around through the text to get a sense of what percentage of the book that translates to.
Anyways: I‘m really feeling HEIR OF FIRE now. This series is uneven, but when it‘s on, it‘s on. There‘ve been tears over here and all.
I almost always enjoy Maas‘s books, but I never enjoy them unreservedly, and one of my big issues with her stuff is all the ideas she recycles across series. (Yes, I know, multiverse, but she keeps her pet concepts too similar from book to book. I prefer authors to switch it up more between worlds.) I‘m especially tired of her whole mates obsession. Ditto “females” and “males” for non-human women and men. Calling women “females” is CREEPY, people.
I finished rereading CROWN OF MIDNIGHT last night and was surprised to discover I wanted to keep right on going. One Kobo recharge later, here I am with HEIR OF FIRE. I loved it the first time but found it way less engaging the second. We‘ll see what Read #3 holds.
In beer news, Lake of the Woods Brewing Co hasn‘t convinced me peaches belong in pale ale. I did appreciate the tartness, though, so I‘m open to a peach sour down the line.
Slow book, but good.
FULL REVIEW: https://abookandateacup.blogspot.com/2018/08/original-title-heir-of-fire-series....
Awesome, awesome book! A lot happens on this one: A lot of character development, history, plot build up for what is to come on the next book. I‘m scared for what will go down but yet excited. TOG is such a magnificent story, and I cannot help but look up to the main character, draw parallels between her challenges and mines, and use her bravery as encouragement to keep going and NOT BE AFRAID.
Meh🤔 was not loving this book at all. Think I‘ll take a break on this series and just focus on reread of Crescent City.
Halfway through- I forgot some parts. This weekend I‘m slated to finish this, the novella, and hopefully get a good start on book 4! #togreread #tog
Finished Crown of Midnight and am glad I decided to continue the series. I enjoyed it. So on to book 3, Heir of Fire. I'm pretty sure I'm meeting a favorite character of many in this book.
#two4tuesday Nothing specific, my usual goal of one book is locked in on Goodreads and storygraph. All my challenges are on storygraph. I'm chipping away at the OWLS and working on Read the world as well as #yuletidereads which is also on litsy and run by me. Then I have #fourfoursin24 ,also litsy, by @Lauredhel. And finally #seasonalcozies.
I can see why they say read acotar first. If I didn‘t already know Maas‘s writing, I‘d have stopped reading. This book is everything the series has worked towards. I held my exclamations of horror and laughter and tears through it all. Ice and fire; dragons and skin walkers; betrayal and new characters. It‘s all coming together nicely through incredible world building. So much nauseating death. Rowan compliments Aelin so well. #sjm
1. That my library is open on Sundays finally.
2. That my sister is moving into a better house.
3. That I'm finally getting movement from my doctor on certain issues. #wondrouswednesday
Book 3 in this series. I‘m liking it. Witches and dragons and fire and ice! This series is starting to really get good. May like it better than her other series.🫢😜
Much much better than the book before😅 We‘re on our way to redemption for the series! Magic makes a much bigger appearance in this book and Celaena‘s journey takes her away from lackluster characters and into a more interesting environment! Book definitely ended with a lot of things up in the air so I‘m sure book four will be just as action packed.
I once saw a quote, “Asking a bookworm to pick a favorite book is like asking a mother to pick a favorite child: it changes from day to day.” Today my favorite book is Heir of Fire. The cadre and Aelin‘s…personality makes this book so fun to read. It‘s a lighter book before you get into the heavier stuff of the later books. It also helps you get to know Aelin a lot better and really shows you how much has been hidden from you during the series.
This is getting a pick from me, but I‘m still struggling to become fully immersed in the story. I like Celaena‘s and Rowan‘s story, but I don‘t care for Manon‘s, Chaol‘s or Dorian‘s. I‘m really hoping this is a series that when I get closer to the end, I have an OMG moment and it all comes together and I end up loving it.
Had dinner at my favorite restaurant after work tonight! I loooooove chicken hibachi! 😋🍗 I'm off tomorrow and Wednesday! Looking forward to getting a lot of reading time in! 💕📚
This was a re-read, and it's almost better the second time because I know what clues to look for.
I love Celaena and Rowans' growth together.
All the new characters and places.
The cliffhanger ending for Dorian.
#heiroffire #sarahjmaas
Unpopular opinion- this series is not a patch on ACOTAR or CC! I genuinely don't get the fuss! I appreciate SJM's world building and characters.... but the writing...... the repeated cliche phrases and the timing!!! Wtf with pace.... it always explodes in the last 50 pages!? Sorry, it's not awful,it's just frustrating.
I discovered this little hole in the wall burger place today and now I'm obsessed! The food was so good! And it was super relaxing to read and eat while also watching the traffic pass by!
There are 500+ page books that drag and there are 500+ page books that fly. This one dragged. A lot. But I‘m invested enough in this series to continue.
I loved this tale! Maas is an absolute favorite. Book 3 of the Throne of Glass saga of Celeana Sardothien. Full of new characters & hidden magic, this story is rich. Revelations of the characters, along with ntroductions of new people, made this my favorite in the series so far. For me, Maas is a slow burn. I always feel like the first book or two in her series are slower ( she's great at world building), but then the stories take off!
“She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.”