Spannend und sehr interessante Charaktere
Noch lange kein Psychothriller, wie es auf dem Cover steht.
7/10 ☆
Spannend und sehr interessante Charaktere
Noch lange kein Psychothriller, wie es auf dem Cover steht.
7/10 ☆
This book killed me - I am so glad I finished it with alcohol, otherwise I would've jumped off a roof...
The characters are so - horrible, cringey, naiv and yet so thoughtfully portrayed.
The storyline is just a huge "OMG" "WTF" & "UGH".
Besides all that it is so well written that you can't stop thinking about the plot and how UGH the characters are. I facepalmed myself multiple times while reading.
OH MY GOSH! Alex is so creepy but then again Siobhan is kinda weird too so idk, but they kind of fit together?
Wow, this book is seriously creeping me out - it definitely lives after the German title (I'm reading it in German), Alex is such a stalker... and I'm only on page 80 😅
"Guten Morgen, ich bin der König", sagte Seine Majestät und hob höflich den Hut.
- S. 92 (?)
Sein Vater weckte ihn mit einer eher zweckmäßigen als sanften Methode: Rhythmisch klatschte er den Handrücken gegen Billys Wange.
- S. 15
Starting now - so curious, my dad loves all his books!
"Layers" isn't a horrible book, but the 'worst' of the author so far. I haven't read all of her books yet.
The characters are a bit blurry, their actions not always with meaning. The end came super fast and I already expected something like that. Nevertheless 6/10 stars from me :D