I really enjoyed getting lost in Roanoke. I spend most my time in nonfiction but was in need of an escape to anew world. I picked this up and couldn‘t put it down. Will definitely be visiting Jamestown.
I really enjoyed getting lost in Roanoke. I spend most my time in nonfiction but was in need of an escape to anew world. I picked this up and couldn‘t put it down. Will definitely be visiting Jamestown.
I started this totally on a whim. I was in the mood to read, to start something new, and it was on my kindle, so I clicked it and jumped in. I'm finding it pleasantly engaging.
There aren't a lot of authors who share my name, but I do love Angela Hunt's historical fiction. It might be time to start my third read-through of The Keepers of the Ring series... 😍❤️#RiotGram
Pretty good read...its fiction but gives a little imagination to what might have happened to the lost colony..