Finished this late last night. I really enjoyed spending time with the characters through this book. A story of family secrets, a story of losing and finding.
Finished this late last night. I really enjoyed spending time with the characters through this book. A story of family secrets, a story of losing and finding.
Been in a huge reading slump. But this one is pulling me back in 📖
It has taken me way longer than I would like to admit, but I have finally finished Station Eleven. Not the book's fault, just my crazy life currently. I really enjoyed slowly steeping my way through this pademic dystopia. Seemed fitting.
My first new read in a LONG time! Yay me!!! 🙌💥. && I'm marking it up 😁🤓!
Listy has made a world of difference to my growth as a reader! Thank you too all for making this a safe and encouraging place.
Happy New year and good reading to all!!🎇🎆📖💥
Almost forgot to post my last two books for #BOOKED2019. 😨
Beautiful Boy by David Sheff= book about addiction
Catching Christmas = book gifted to me
& That's a wrap! 💥🎆🎇🎯
My very first reading challenge completed 😎😁🙌
Thank you so much for hosting @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft & @BarbaraTheBibliophage !
This was great fun! Now to get ready for next year 🤔🤓📖
Thank you so much, @Booksnchill !!
This is just perfect 😍! My day is just winding down and I can't wait to relax with this perfect Christmas read and candy! Oh..and Mr. gnome is super cool!! 😎🤗🎄
Recieved my #JolabokaflodSwap package from @Booksnchill today! Can't wait to open on Christmas Eve 😊
This was sent out yesterday to my #JolabokaflodSwap match, @BookwormAHN !😁
Thanks for hosting, @MaleficentBookDragon !
Finished this in one day! A Heartwarming, fun, easy read ❤️
My heart hurt for this dad who goes through this valley of shadows without the hope of a loving Savior. We have a God who may not always take us out of the storm, but He WILL ALWAYS walk through it with us. I held out well into the afterward, hoping to see if dad or son would find &accept the God they said they didn't believe was there. I can't imagine walking the road this family walked. But walking it without Jesus would truly be unfathomable :(
Just signed up! This sounds perfectly fun! 🍫+📖+🎄= 😎💞
Thanks for hosting @MaleficentBookDragon !
"Love cannot exist for long without the dimension of Justice."
There is truth here... God himself has two equal sides, love and justice.
A God who has only Justice would be completely vengeful -and we would all be guilty.
A God who is only loving would have to be completely accepting of everything thus compromising His Holiness by allowing all sin into His presence.
"Nic has been gone for six days, and my desperation had built to a frenzy. I have never experienced grief like this."
This book is heart breaking. So many families- maybe all of our families by now have felt the effects of this battle ??
So excited! My hard cover was beginning to unravel so I upgraded. It's my very first premium leather cover AND very first monogrammed 😁😁💥💥🎉🎉
I don't know but this book right here might have just been my most favorite read of 2019! Great research into the history and although it was terribly hard to read about and imagine the pain that took place, the story line and characters kept me having to know more. Now I want to visit the national Park.
#BOOKED2019 (soldier's story)
@BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen
Playing catch up again on my #BOOKED2019 posts...
Public Domain = The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (finished tonight 🤸🎉)
POC MC paranormal = Kindred (finished earlier in April)
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
So this was actually the book, not the study guide....I couldn't put this down once I started. I found it to be an easy read but incredibly satisfying. A book I could go back to again and again.
#BOOKED2019 (new in 2019)
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
September stats. Finished four!🎉💥🎆
I really enjoyed this book & it helped me better understand the differences between these two religions. I rooted for Nabeel as he followed his search for truth and celebrated with him as he found it. It is so important to be strong in your apologetics.
#BOOKED2019 Muslim author/mc
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
So this just happened 😎😁!
I meet my Goodreads goal for the year, which was record breaking for me! Celebrated for a moment 🎉🎆🥇...
And then moved it up to at least match the number of books I need to finish for #BOOKED2019 😉
(feeling stellar!)
My very first graphic novel 😁. Spent some time at the bookstore last night shopping for it (my 13 &14 y/o guys thought I had lost my marbles since it was so out of my norm 😂😂) but I finished it all in one sitting this morning and truly enjoyed it's sum total parts 💥💯
#BOOK2019 (comic/graphic novel)
@4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen
This was a good story with wonderfully portrayed characters. Some things left me scratching my head though 🤔
#BOOKED2019 (food/drink on cover)
Finally wrapping up spring!
@4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage
I'm playing catch-up on my #BOOKED2019 posts... I finished both of these earlier this spring/summer during my first round of LMPBC (which was great fun!).
Claiming The Traveling Cat Chronicles for my Book to Movie read, and Good Omens as my Genrebusting read.
@Cinfhen @4th @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
I've been in such a reading slump 😕. But Wow! So glad I read this with both my 8th grader sons for their history project 💞. Words can't even...
#BOOKED2019 diverse middle grade
@4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen
Starting this one with my Sunday school group. Looks good. Looking forward to Sunday discussions 😊
This was Soo g-o-o-d !! Modern day prodigal son story. My first time reading #CharlesMartin. Looking forward to trying some of his other work.
#BOOKED2019 (featuring a musician)
@4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage
All my May Reads!
2 physical, 2 e-books
1 for #LMPBC
1 for Church
2 for #BOOKED2019
4 for complete enjoyment 😍!!
My final standings for May's games!
😁😁😁 Soo much fun!!
Actually got a bingo too 💥
Thought I'd share part of my book haul since it's such a rare occurrence for me. My favourite Christian bookstore is closing all their physical doors to operated solely online. While it does make for a great sale, my heart aches 😩.
This book was beautifully written. It was so fun imagining this hotel and all the guests. I give it 4 ⭐'s only because the greek mythology intertwined into the story just wasn't for me, but otherwise a very enjoyable read.
#BOOKED2019 night oriented title
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
Only two more prompts to go for spring!
Written by the pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church about believing God for the impossible and how the church made and produced the movie "Facing The Giants." This book will be a resource to return to time and again.
Mid-month #MayScavengerHunt check-in ☑️☑️☑️
This was a fun read pulling me back into the hallways of school again. ☺️🤓
#BOOKED2019 social media focus
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
1. Charlie, the birthday kid this Sunday! Turning 13 😵
2. Finished The Shadowed Mind by Julie Cave.
3. Birthday partying 🎉🎉🎉
4. Beautiful. 🌞🌞🌞
5. Going out. Charlie's pick 😜. It's good to be 13
Read this together with Sunday school friends. Also had the pleasure of listening to Mrs Mohler speak at a women's conference in March. She covers such an important topic in this book that is so easily looked over. Enjoyed.
This was #2 in the Dinah Harris series - suspense mysteries wrapped around the difference in views between creationist and evolutionist. This one was focused around eugenics.
Entertaining and informative.
#BOOKED2019 political intrigue
@4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage
This sweet little book arrived at my house today! I can't wait to get started on it! I've noticed it says"heart breaking" right on the front cover ?. I wonder what that's all about ?
#LMPBC #Round5 #GroupQ
@AnneFindsJoy @mrsmarch @Meaw_catlady
Wow! This book! The author, having walked the single-mom life herself, hit home with Every. Single. issue broached.
This book is laced with scripture and the power found within it.
I truly believe this is a must read for any solo-parenting mom!
@Meaw_catlady this is headed your way! Mailed it off today 😁
Hope you enjoy! 🐑🐏🐑
#LMPBC #Round5 #GroupQ
This book was written by a local author. It was very cool to see my hometown and familiar areas as the setting of this suspenseful story.
A scary, chilling page turner!
✔️'ing off indigenous author for #BOOKED2019
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
So I read this for my cli-fi pick for #BOOKED2019. I did enjoy it. It kept me interested and turning pages. But for most of the first half I kept waiting for something to happen "cli-fi-y". So here's the deal. This is a suspense novel that had to do with an outbreak which just happens to be climate caused. It's a good suspense but if you're looking for a "Day after tomorrow" movie type experience this is an ? not an ?. ?
@Cinfhen @Slajaunie
I had an early start this morning 😲. Feel like I could use another mid day cup. My perfect cup looks like F1 😁🤗🍵
What's your #PERFECTCUPPA?? @collegecatlady @DoonTheGoon @Chili @Savedbygrace @Crazeedi
Don't forget to tag a litten or two who loves coffee!
Thanks for the tag @mrsmarch
Hope you and your fam have a perfectly magical adventure! 🌠
Giving this a try for my #BOOKED2019 cli-fi pick. Hopes are high!
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
This book was a delight to read! These sheep are not from the typical run of the mill herd, that's for sure. I related to them in so many ways 🤔😂.
Now to finish with all my mark-ups✍️. You would think I'm studying for exams of some sort- these 🐑🐏 really have my ⚙️⚙️'s turning! 🤓
#LMPBC #round5 #GROUPQ
@mrsmarch @Meaw_catlady @AnneFindsJoy