This is a really inspiring book so far. Only on chapter 4 so far but the story of his upbringing and the wisdom he carries in his words are so inspirational. This book has given me new life perspectives and I've only just started reading it.
This is a really inspiring book so far. Only on chapter 4 so far but the story of his upbringing and the wisdom he carries in his words are so inspirational. This book has given me new life perspectives and I've only just started reading it.
This is the only book which I decided I should highlight the lines which I like, and i almost ended up highlighting the whole book. Must read for anyone in search of a better self
Amazing read! There were some paragraphs I had to read twice or tree times, because they were very thought provoking and mind-blowing! I absolutely loved the book and would read it over and over again.
I feel bad panning this, it wasn‘t awful but I honestly got nothing out of reading it and spent most of it looking forward to reading something else. Most of the points were valid but pretty impossible to apply to your actual life, and some parts had perspectives on mental health that I don‘t appreciate all that much. I don‘t think I‘ll remember much about it long term really
Learning to listen is the essence of intelligent living.
It is such an unfair world: a man is expected to walk on a round planet that spins.
If you consider peace to be the ultimate goal, you will only “rest in peace”!
If your body feels pleasant, we call this health. If it becomes very pleasant, we call this pleasure. If your mind becomes pleasant, we call this peace. If it becomes very pleasant, we call this joy. If your emotions become pleasant, we call this love. If they become very pleasant, we call this compassion. If your life energies become pleasant, we call this bliss. If they become very pleasant, we call this ecstasy.
A person who truly wants to know about himself should read this book.
Who wants to grow spiritually should read this book.The book is divided into two part, the second part has the practical knowledge.
Even though it is a book on spirituality/philosophy, it is not boring at all. Except some little parts, it is an un-putdown-able book.
If you can look at everything lovingly,the whole world becomes beautiful in your experience..!!
In that one moment, everything changes. In that one moment, you are not in pursuit of joy anymore. Instead, your life becomes an expression of your joyfulness.
This is because only when you are blissful will you be in the highest state of receptivity, and truly willing to explore all aspects of life. Otherwise, you would not dare, because if keeping yourself pleasant is a big challenge, you can't take on other challenges.
In school, they said the planet was round. But if the planet was round, how did one know which way was up?
Need a pick-me-up book. August has been a really tough month.
A great book to look into the non physical dimensions of life.