Read this last night and liked it. A shorter book that focuses on a girl who has an autistic brother and how she tries to keep it hidden.
Read this last night and liked it. A shorter book that focuses on a girl who has an autistic brother and how she tries to keep it hidden.
It wasn‘t what I was expecting, I think I thought the main character, Jordyn was going to be more of an introvert. Instead, and perhaps I would have known this if I read back cover blurb more carefully, it‘s about how she hides her feelings because she‘s hiding her brother Philip who has autism. She feels overlooked when she is with her brother and feels her friends and crush will behave similar if they find out about Philip. Short, sweet read.
This book was adorable and had a lot of heart. Great quick read, especially inbetween some heavier stuff I have been reading. It isn't total fluff though . It does deal with some toughwr topica at times. Highly recommend!