Getting #20in4 started with my morning poetry.
Getting #20in4 started with my morning poetry.
I think it‘s another swing and a miss on the poetry front.
Maybe it‘s just quarantine and craziness that‘s making me so lukewarm toward this, but I just can‘t get into it. It seems every time I start getting into it, there is some preachy, Judeo-Christian moral or “god sanctioned this” that just pulls me out of it. I love King Arthur, but I really wasn‘t impressed with this.
#AlfredLordTennyson #IdyllsOfTheKing #poetry #KingArthur
This one was kind of fun. I liked the imagery in it.
#AlfredLordTennyson #IdyllsOfTheKing #poetry #TheKraken
I don‘t know why, but I liked the imagery in this bit.
#AlfredLordTennyson #IdyllsOfTheKing #poetry #KingArthur
It‘s hard to get a hold on poetry when it‘s 16+ pages long.
#AlfredLordTennyson #IdyllsOfTheKing #poetry #KingArthur
Taking this beautiful volume for a spin next. Hopefully Lord Tennyson will give me a lovely distraction from the insanity that is the world right now.
#AlfredLordTennyson #IdyllsOfTheKing #poetry #KingArthur #escapingcovid19
The Two Voices
...Again the voice spake unto me:
"Thou art so steep'd in misery,
Surely 't were better not to be.
"Thine anguish will not let the sleep,
Nor any train of reason keep;
Thou canst not think, but thou wilt weep."
I said, "the years with change advance;
If I make dark my countenance,
I shut my life from happier chance....