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Joined September 2016

sff writer, all around booknerd
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All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders
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Hidden Cities by Daniel Fox
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The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
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Medieval Romances by Roger Sherman Loomis/Loomis, Laura Hibbard Loomis
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Idylls of the King and a Selection of Poems by Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson, Alfred Lord Tennyson
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Dune by Frank Herbert
H is for Hawk | Helen Macdonald
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I do love a how many have you read type list! Even if, as many have pointed out already, this one is very skewed. And of course heaven forbid we get genre cooties on our Serious Best Books list (except Jemisin cause she's exceptional but don't worry Cloud Atlas can't possibly be genre [except it totally is] cause David Mitchell is a Serious Literary Author don't you know - but definitely no romance or fantasy or YA or *gasp* all three!)

wanderinglynn I had the same thought. All hail “serious literature” & the NYT. 2w
tournevis Very male, very American, very white, and honestly, pretty boring. Also, yes, genre cooties. This is *literature*! Also, no Paul Auster, which is laughable. I've read five and own another five. Also I can't believe Chabon's Kavalier & Clay is there but not Yiddish Policeman. Anyway, moving on.🤷‍♀️ 5d
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Omg I did it, I finished a physical book! First one this year, though I've still been reading lots of ebooks and audiobooks.

I savoured this one and enjoyed being back with LeGuin's intelligent, wonderful writing so much. This was good for my brain.

Ruthiella Nice! I have yet to read her essays but I loved The Dispossessed and 2w
llwheeler @Ruthiella I love both those books as well 🙂 2w
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Spoiled myself with a #bookhaul yesterday. I'm so excited for the Martha Wells! I have to double check but I'm pretty sure they're the only ones of her backlist I didn't have yet. Plus how pleasing that my haul colour coordinates. Gus approves #catsoflitsy

Jari-chan It's always important that the kitty approves 😸 1mo
Sace Feline approval is hard to come by. Cherish it. 1mo
wanderinglynn I just got that Martha Wells book too! 🙌🏻 1mo
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What do these two books have in common?

My almost 2 year old really thinks these characters want high fives ?

(I especially love it cause she pronounces it "high flive" right now)

Ruthiella So cute! 😊 1mo
Andrea4 So stinking cute! 1mo
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May #BookSpin! Once again I used my Libby wishlist filtered to available now.

The Nine Fold Heaven is already a bail, I bounced off the first person narration instantly. (lovely cover though) It's off the list!

A Ballet of Lepers is highly anticipated for me so 🤞I love it.

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks!

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The Crane Husband | Kelly Barnhill
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#bookreport and #weeklyforecast can both be summed up with: more Nebula reading!

I finished the novelettes and one novella, Mammoth at the Gates, and I'm about 40% into both another novella and one of the novels. This week I want to finish the novellas and the novel I've started, and at least start another, ideally finish it too. But we'll see.

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It's here! I'm loving my new kobo! (elipsa 2e) My other one was old enough that this has a much better screen and lighting. Being able to adjust the temperature of the light is so cool.
I haven't tested out all the features yet, but so far it's great. The stylus works fine with my left-handedness, except for highlighting (it only seems to work left to right, and I highlight right to left) which isn't a big deal as I rarely highlight things anyway.

tournevis I got the Libra Color and I love it! 5d
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#bookreport A good week! Finished The Phoenix Crown on audio, which I quite enjoyed. Finished The Mimicking of Known Successes a few hours before the Nebula finalists were announced, handy as it's on the list!
So now I'm in Nebula reading mode for the next few weeks. So far I've finished the short stories and 2 novelettes. #weeklyforecast hope to finish the novelettes (4 left) and ideally the novellas (3 left) but we'll see.

TheSpineView Great job! 4mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Whomp whomp. This is how my kobo has looked since Thursday. It is not, in fact, connected or charging, as you might be able to tell by, y'know, the lack of plug... Right when I downloaded a bunch of new things cause the Nebula finalists were announced, too. On the bright side, a shiny new toy (kobo elipsa 2e) is on its way to me and I'm excited to test it out!

llwheeler I should add, I've had this ereader for many years, and no complaints 4mo
julesG Manual reset didn't work? I only have kindle, but if it shows something like this pressing down the On button for about 30 seconds normally triggers a restart. Maybe this works with kobo too. 4mo
Crazeedi Funny my k8ndle doesn't seem to be charging either, oh my I may have to break down and get a new one... 4mo
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llwheeler @julesG that is how to manually reset for kobo too, and I've done it before, but it's not working in this case 🤷‍♀️ 4mo
llwheeler @Crazeedi oh darn! 4mo
julesG That's a shame. Enjoy the new one when it arrives. 4mo
llwheeler @julesG thanks! 4mo
Crazeedi @llwheeler well it seems to have charged, maybe was t totally plugged? We will see 4mo
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Fault Lines | Emily Itami
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Aside from The Good Soldier, which I'm just glad I'm done, I had a fab reading week! Loved Jeeves on audio; Wild Seed was excellent; and Fault Lines was exactly the book I was in the mood for, and excellent. Loved it.
As for current reads, so far both are good, if not *quite* living up to the (very high) expectations I had.

#weeklyforecast I'll finish those two and then Nebula nominations should be announced this week!

The Inimitable Jeeves | P. G. Wodehouse
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Loved Sabriel on audio. Tim Curry narrating!

The Good Soldier is on #serialreader so I know I'll finish it (can't say I'm enjoying, but yay for another #1001books down)
I'm loving Fault Lines so far, so I'm sure I'll finish it, then probably go back to Wild Seed, which I'm also enjoying
For audio, I'll finish Jeeves and start The Phoenix Crown - highly anticipated so 🤞 it lives up to my hopes

emz711 Wait. Sabriel narrated by Tim Curry? Like the fantasy book? 5mo
llwheeler @emz711 yep! He was great, and I'm glad I finally got around to reading (listening to) it! 5mo
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Fault Lines | Emily Itami
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Yay #BookSpin day! I went with my Libby wishlist filtered to available now, and got The Inimitable Jeeves and Fault Lines. Great timing for the audiobook cause I just finished my previous one yesterday. And I was really looking forward to Fault Lines. I'm already 25% and 10% into them respectively since taking the screenshot this morning, and really enjoying both!

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks 🙂

Ruthiella Love Jeeves and Wooster! 🤩 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!! I'm always down for some Wodehouse!! 5mo
llwheeler @Ruthiella they're great! 5mo
llwheeler @TheAromaofBooks thanks, he's very enjoyable! 5mo
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Sabriel | Garth Nix
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Two weeks of #bookreport but not much to show. I'm making steady progress on audio, but reading with my eyes has been slow going. That's ok.

My #weeklyforecast is more just a bunch of possibilities. Who knows what I'll actually get to.

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Anthill | Petra Bartikova
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Impulse buy ("for my kid") at the butterfly conservatory gift shop this weekend. ?

Me to my husband on the way home: I was such a sucker for books like this as a kid! ...Er, and obviously still am, since I bought this like two seconds after I saw it...

#bookhaul #raisingreaders

Jari-chan So cute! 😍 5mo
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#bookreport another scattered week. On audio I finished Treasure Island (#1001books enjoyed more than I expected) and started Ace (enjoying as expected!)
But for ebooks... I finished a #roll100, read a bit more of my #BookSpin, started a new #1001books, and then my hold on the tagged came in so I started that.

For #weeklyforecast who knows... I have my next audio lined up, that's all.

AuthorDeniseTurney You're diving into book reading! Good for you! Plan to finish Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead this weekend 5mo
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Treasure Island | Robert Louis Stevenson
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A delayed #bookreport #weeklyforecast

Felt a bit scattered last week, one short finish and hopping between several on the go. We'll see how this week goes, but I definitely want to finish Treasure Island on audio because my hold for Ace came in and I'm really looking forward to that one.

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Yay #BookSpin day!

I went with 1-20 of my #roll100 list again, and got a sampler that I've had for 10ish years (kinda hoping it's a quick bail) and the next Kopp book.

Doing good so far, I read both January #BookSpin picks and one #roll100. And I've already read one Feb #roll100 woohoo

@TheAromaofBooks @PuddleJumper

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 6mo
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A Power Unbound | Freya Marske
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Apologies for the terrible lighting...

#bookreport a good week, not what I forecast though! I finished Girl Waits with Gun, and started back on Wharton when my hold on A Power Unbound came through, like 8 weeks earlier than expected. So of course, I dropped everything for that--really enjoyed that trilogy.

#weeklyforecast back to Wharton, and maybe a #BookSpin or #roll100 pick

Girl Waits with Gun | Amy Stewart
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#bookreport A good week, finished 4! Picked Girl Waits with Gun back up as I'm trying to work through the way too many books I have hibernating. And started My Man Jeeves on audio which is a bit disappointing so far, two of the stories at least were also in Carry On Jeeves.

#weeklyforecast finish Jeeves and continue with Wharton's Old New York, hopefully finish both the 60s and 70s. I doubt I'll finish Girl but you never know.

kspenmoll Great week! 6mo
llwheeler @kspenmoll thanks! 6mo
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A Restless Truth | Freya Marske
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I'm going to give the #bookreport / #weeklyforecast thing another whirl, see how long I can keep it up.

Finished Persephone in Bloom and loved it! Had a blast spotting all the myth references. I'm currently reading and loving A Restless Truth and Carry On, Jeeves and should finish both soon. Next ebook will be a sci-fi novella, An Unnatural Life. Next audio... Not sure!

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A Restless Truth | Freya Marske
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Soooo how is my plan of reading only owned books in January going? Well my first book was A Marvellous Light which I loved so much I immediately put book 2 on hold, not expecting it to come in for a while. But it did, and of course I'm going to start it next... Let's go with *mostly* only owned books in January 🙃

janeycanuck Haha - I had this same plan. I‘ve read 3 library books and one that my husband got for Christmas. 7mo
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A Marvellous Light | Freya Marske
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I'm all set for another round of #BookSpin and #roll100! My #roll100 list is my entire ebook tbr (sitting at slightly over 100 now) and for Jan my #BookSpin list is just 1-20 of my #roll100. Other months I will probably do my Libby wishlist filtered to "available now" for #BookSpin but in January I'm going to try reading only owned books. Tagged book is up first* for #roll100! I've been looking forward to it for ages!

llwheeler *technically second, first roll was a Brandon Sanderson that is like I dunno 6 books ahead of me in his series ? so I might just consider any Sanderson that comes up "200ish pages of the next one" and call it good 7mo
shanaqui Ooh, what's #roll100? This is my problem with not using Litsy as much as I want to, I see cool stuff but I've missed the intro posts. 😆 7mo
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llwheeler @shanaqui I know what you mean! #roll100 is hosted by @PuddleJumper, where you have a list of 100 books and @PuddleJumper rolls dice each month (3 rolls) and the goal is to read those books. another fun tbr reduction challenge 🙂 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 7mo
PuddleJumper @shanaqui It's very relaxed, you do as much as you want. I just like rolling dice 😅 7mo
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Scorpica | G.R. Macallister
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Happy new year!!

I'm coming out of the reading slump I've been in since September and I'm excited for my reading plans in 2024. But a quick 2023 wrap-up first: I did pretty good on #BookSpin, only missing 4. #roll100 on the other hand, I only read 3 all year... Oh well! Looking forward to both challenges this year

@TheAromaofBooks @PuddleJumper

Ruthiella Happy New Year to you! 🥳 7mo
llwheeler @Ruthiella thank you, same to you! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic year!! 7mo
PuddleJumper Sounds like a good year! 7mo
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Much belated #whartonbuddyread post...

I feel like this one landed oddly for me. I think I'd have preferred it either pared right back to a short story, or else fleshed out and all the themes and threads elaborated into a novel. But still an interesting read.

LitStephanie I haven't read this one, but that cat is beautiful! 12mo
llwheeler Thanks 😺 12mo
Graywacke Love the kitty. This is the only Wharton I haven‘t liked. 11mo
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Silver in the Wood | Emily Tesh
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh

2. I've wanted to read it for ages! Didn't get to it right away and then it got buried in my ebook tbr... Finally noticed it again and read it in a day, loved it.

TheSpineView I love books that just sweep you away! Thanks for playing! 12mo
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On Sal Mal Lane | Ru Freeman
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Still working my way through my July #doublespin (tagged, enjoying it when I pick it up but not always feeling a push to) but excited for August picks!

I'm still going with my Libby wishlist for my #BookSpin list, when the numbers are called I filter to available now and count down. So fun to see what comes up.

Thanks for hosting @TheAromaofBooks!

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So I finished the tagged short story collection a few days ago (July #BookSpin!) and really enjoyed it, best ss collection I've read in a while. Literary but genre-blurring. But I guess I *really* liked it cause last night I dreamt I found a Kim Fu book that I hadn't read yet and was so happy. Haha thanks, subconscious. Now I have her only backlist that I haven't read on my Libby wishlist.

(fledgling robin in our backyard pic just cause)

Aurora Blazing: A Novel | Jessie Mihalik
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I spoiled myself so thoroughly today 😊 #bookhaul

And I absolutely couldn't walk away without that mug 😂😂 even though I have way too many mugs already (or not enough cupboards?)

BethM Oh my god where is that mug from?! 14mo
BethM And the answer is always no enough cupboards. 14mo
BarbaraJean That mug!! 😂😍 14mo
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Tamra So funny! 14mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag 😂 love the mug! 14mo
Centique I love the mug too! 😍 14mo
llwheeler @BethM it's from Indigo. And thanks for enabling my mug collection 😁 not enough cupboards! 14mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @llwheeler, I‘m glad - we all need a bit of whimsy in our day! 14mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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I'm a bit late but thanks for the tag @Andrea4! #wondrouswednesday @Eggs

It'd be a used bookstore, heavy on the scifi and fantasy, as many shelves crammed in as possible. Background music sure, coffee or food... Maybe not. But maybe sell some crochet items or cards. Might have to have a bookstore cat or dog too. As for a name... Names are hard, I have no idea!

Eggs Lovely 🥰 Thanks for playing👏🏻👏🏻 1y
Andrea4 Oh bookstore cat!!! Which reminds me, I saw "baby Gusses" at three pet store the other week-so stinking cute!! 1y
Andrea4 Bookshop OWL! HAHA 1y
llwheeler @Andrea4 haha awww! (to the cats, to be clear haha, no birds! - though if there was a bookstore owl I think it would have to be named Minerva or Athena) 1y
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A Far Wilder Magic | Allison Saft
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Last year I did terribly with #BookSpin picks and pretty good with #roll100 and this year so far seems to be the opposite 🤷‍♀️

@TheAromaofBooks @PuddleJumper

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looking great!! 1y
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 1y
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Pippi Longstocking | Astrid Lindgren
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Sorry I've been so absent here! This year is flying by. Here's a picture of my days right now... My 9 month old is very much in the phase where every stack must be unstacked and every container dumped. And she's pulling up, so the bottom 2 bookshelves don't stand a chance 😂 #raisingreaders

Graywacke That‘s one way to enjoy books. I remember these days. Enjoy … and I wish you strength to survive them. 🙂 1y
llwheeler @Graywacke she has a blast! Thank you 😊 I am enjoying it all 1y
idealityandme Yes mine is almost 2 and he still does this haha! We had to but doors on the shelves:) I understand the agony but also cuteness! 1y
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llwheeler @idealityandme haha good to know I have a while of this ahead! I don't mind it though, it's all part of her learning 🙂 1y
tpixie What a wonderful collection of books!! 📚 3mo
llwheeler @tpixie thanks! They're my books from childhood, so I'm excited to share them with my kid as she gets older 3mo
tpixie @llwheeler yes!! That‘s wonderful! 3mo
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Luna: New Moon | Ian McDonald
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#roll100 2022 wrap up! I read at least one pick 10 months, and all picks 5 months. I'm calling that pretty good!
My 2023 list is still my ebook tbr, but thanks mostly to #roll100 it now only goes to 92! And of course one of Jan's numbers was higher... So I decided 92-100 are freebies (unless/until I acquire more books) and I can fill it with any ebook tbr read. First up for this year, some sci-fi. Looking forward to it!

Thanks @PuddleJumper! 😁

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Filtering my Libby wishlist to "available now" and counting to the #BookSpin numbers gave me LeGuin non-fiction and a new to me author I've been wanting to read. Very excited for both!

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks!

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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I haven't read my #BookSpin picks in months... My bookspin list was print tbrs that I wanted to get to, but I'm reading hardly any print these days, ebooks and audio are easier right now. So for Dec I'm switching it up. My Libby wishlist is equally out of control, so when the numbers are called I'll filter it to "available now" and then just count down the list to whatever is called.

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks!

llwheeler Gratuitous #catsoflitsy pic just cause it's been so long since he made an appearance here 2y
IndoorDame Such a handsome cat 😻 2y
wanderinglynn Such a pretty kitty! ❤️🐱 2y
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rockpools Nice idea! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Sounds like a great plan!!! 2y
batsy He is most handsome! 🐈 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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And with that I'm done #fourfoursin22! Thanks for a fun challenge @Lauredhel!

Lauredhel Congratulations! 2y
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Another challenge catch up post. I finished this back in the summer, as my daughter is now 5 months... Time's going fast! Also why I haven't been as active on here. Anyway I recommend this as a pregnancy reference book.

#fourfoursin22 incubator @Lauredhel

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Challenge catch up post. Read this a while ago for #fourfoursin22 aromatic, cause of the title. Turns out the title didn't have much to do with the story but I enjoyed this romance anyway! Especially the Ontario setting, always fun to read a story set places you know.


All the Birds in the Sky | Charlie Jane Anders
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Oct #roll100 picks! All the Birds in the Sky and Gardens of the Moon - that's 6 and 71 for me... I do have a book for 100, but I messed up and put the 2nd in a series, when I haven't read the first. Plus it's a Brandon Sanderson and the odds of me reading 2 Sanderson books even by the end of the year are not high 😅
So I'll focus on the other 2 picks, and if I have time catch up Too Like the Lightning and Unspoken Name from previous months

PuddleJumper You're doing great! 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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#fourfoursin22 circumference (the cover art) @Lauredhel

I do enjoy a good gothic creepy house with secrets book. I'm also late to Schwab's work, this is my first book of hers. Won't be the last!

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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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#fourfoursin22 embroidery (the title) @Lauredhel

I enjoyed this! It's been a while since I've read alternate history, so that was fun. A different portrayal of Marie Antoinette than I've encountered before (not just cause of the magic). If you like magic with your historical fiction, I recommend this.

Lauredhel Oh, it's pretty! 2y
llwheeler @Lauredhel yes I like the cover! 2y
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The No-Show | Beth O'Leary
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#fourfoursin22 volunteering (one of the main characters volunteers at a charity shop) @Lauredhel

The Flatshare is still my favourite of O'Leary's books, but this was good. I'm always interested to see what O'Leary writes next. I think I was just in the mood for more of a romcom right now, which isn't the book's fault at all.

Conventionally Yours | Annabeth Albert
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#fourfoursin22 automotive (despite the title, the majority of the book takes place on a road trip) @Lauredhel

Very much enjoyed this enemies to lovers, forced proximity romance.

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I'm a terrible #whartonbuddyread participant, as I didn't have time for the discussion last weekend and now I've ignored the schedule and finished it. Really enjoyed this one!

Also, fairly sure whoever did the cover for this ebook edition didn't read the book... Who are those girls supposed to be? Presumably one is Undine, but the other?

Lcsmcat Good question! 2y
CarolynM I‘ve just finished Book 2 and I‘m just shaking my head. What a piece of work is Undine? You‘re right about the cover, not a reflection of the story at all. 2y
llwheeler @CarolynM she's definitely an unlikable character 2y
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#roll100 is really helping me knock down my ebook tbr! August picks are great - a Cat Sebastian romance (❤️), a novella, and a short story collection. I didn't wait for the month to start once the numbers were called so I've already finished 2 and have the 3rd started. Then I'll catch up some from previous months.


PuddleJumper Yay! I'm glad it's helping! 2y
Ruthiella I‘m also sneakily reading a few #Roll100 books even if they aren‘t called. 🤭 2y
llwheeler @PuddleJumper such a fun challenge, thank you! 2y
llwheeler @Ruthiella haha nice 😁 2y
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Eclipse the Moon: A Novel | Jessie Mihalik
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I felt the need for a #selfcare #bookhaul and chapters obligingly had a buy 3 get the 4th free sale last weekend, so these pretties came home with me 😍
Super excited for all of them, and yes that's a bookmark sticking out of Eclipse the Moon already.

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Swordheart | T Kingfisher
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#fourfoursin22 unorthodox (taking this prompt as unconventional/unusual... I'd say a romance where one of the people is trapped in an enchanted sword is unusual) @Lauredhel

I've wanted to read this for ages and I'm so glad I finally did cause I loved it. Great standalone fantasy romance. I liked the romance but also loved the worldbuilding and secondary characters.

RosePressedPages I loved this book too! It took me forever to get to it but I‘m glad I did :) 2y
llwheeler @MadelineMcCrae same! I don't know why I waited so long 2y
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Fevre Dream | George R. R. Martin
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April #doublespin done! @TheAromaofBooks

A good vampire book, I enjoyed it. It's no fault of the book that I hibernated it for like a year... Glad I finally picked it back up and finished it. (sadly this doesn't even begin to catch me up with #BookSpin, but hey, it's something)

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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The Reef | Edith Wharton
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Finished this ahead of the #whartonbuddyread so won't say too much here. I liked this one - solidly in the middle of her books we've read so far for me, not my favourite but I liked it more than a couple of the others. Love her writing.

Graywacke Congrats and thanks for no spoilers. I‘m really curious how this plays out. 2y
llwheeler @Graywacke I was too, part of why I read ahead and finished early! (and partly cause I have some busy times coming up) 2y
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Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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(challenge catch up post, I finished this in May)
#fourfoursin22 canonical - a classic @Lauredhel
#roll100 - April and May

My #roll100 list is my kobo ebook tbr, but when I started the copy of this I had, I realized pretty quickly it was abridged. So, deleted that one and got a copy from the library instead. Either way, another one off the tbr! Can't say it's one of my favourite classics, but parts were interesting.

Graywacke Cool and kudos. Not a classic i see people actually reading all that often. 2y
llwheeler @Graywacke I can see that. I found it got a bit repetitive, each new place he discovered sort of followed the same formula. And I also felt a lot of satire was probably going over my head cause I lacked his social context (I didn't bother to do any supplementary reading or research) 2y
BiblioLitten I read this ages ago. Not sure how I would feel about it now. 2y
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Hunt the Stars | Jessie Mihalik
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(challenge catch up post, I finished this in May)

#fourfoursin22 renewable - a library book @Lauredhel

Really enjoyed this one! My first time reading Mihalik, and if my library had any others on Libby, I'd prob already be reading them. I'll keep an eye out.