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Ofrenda a la tormenta
Ofrenda a la tormenta | Dolores Redondo
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Ha pasado ya un mes desde que la inspectora de la Polica Foral recuper a su hijo y pudo detener a Berasategui. Pero a pesar de que tanto la Guardia Civil como el juez Markina dan por muerta a Rosario, Amaia siente que no est libre de peligro, un desasosiego que slo Jonan comprende. La muerte sbita de una nia en Elizondo resulta sospechosa: el beb tiene unas marcas rojizas en el rostro que indican que ha habido presin digital, y adems, su padre intenta llevarse el cadver. La bisabuela de la pequea sostiene que la tragedia es obra de Inguma, el demonio que inmoviliza a los durmientes, se bebe su aliento y les arrebata la vida durante el sueo. Pero sern los anlisis forenses del doctor San Martn los que convencen a Amaia Salazar de investigar otras muertes de bebs, que pronto revelarn un rastro inaudito en el valle. Berasategui muere, entonces, inexplicablemente en su celda, lo que despliega una trepidante investigacin que llevar a Amaia al autntico origen de los sucesos que han asolado el valle de Baztn. Y mientras, desde el bosque, una impresionante tormenta llega para sepultar la verdad ms demoledora.
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A baby is smothered with a cuddly toy. How does it fit in with the deaths of children and adolescents in Amaia's allegedly closed cases? And Amaia is convinced her mother is still alive despite everybody else believing she was washed away in the river during the storm. 👎

rwmg Just as twisty as the previous two installments. The trilogy told an excellent story though the narration of each event/scene was so gripping as to make me forget sometimes what had happened earlier. However, it was marred in places by mistranslations and, especially in the third part, typos so more proofreading was definitely necessary. 2y
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I‘ve done it again, unwittingly reading the final book in a trilogy! Getting used to reading backwards, and looking forward to the second and first books starring a Basque policewoman, Amaia Salazar. First Spanish noir in translation! She is a strong woman with intertwining storms in personal and professional lives. Murdered baby girl is the tip of the iceberg in ritualized sacrifices and denouement in her family‘s secrets. Very 😎 cool.

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I have been hooked to this since first book. A strong woman protagonist, real life problems, and mysticm. I can recommend this, but I hope you read prevous books as there are multiply references from past. It makes it easier to follow. The only disapointing thing was the ending. Even though the crime was solved, it was still open ending for personal life. For some people it can be good, but I didn't appreaciate.

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Just started the final chapter! I cannot wait to see how all of this will come together.

Ofrenda a la tormenta | Dolores Redondo
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Starting the last book in the trilogy! Did you read it?🔍

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