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How to Babysit a Grandpa
How to Babysit a Grandpa | Jean Reagan
4 posts | 4 read | 1 to read
A New York Times bestselling picture book--from the creators of the hilarious HOW TO... series--about a child spending time with his grandpa. Written in a how-to style, the narrator gives important tips for "babysitting" a grandpa, including what to eat for snack (anything dipped in ketchup, ice cream topped with cookies, cookies topped with ice cream) what to do on a walk (find lizards and dandelion puffs, be on the lookout for puddles and sprinklers), and how to play with a grandpa (build a pirate cave, put on a scary play). Filled with humor, energy, and warmth, this is a great gift for or from a grandparent, and perfect for lap reading when Grandpa comes to visit!
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Too cute

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The tagged book is what hubby read to our granddaughter as we got her ready for bed. Do I need to say anything else?

Izai.Amorim Wonderful time of the day! I have fond memories with the kids. It will take sometime until we have grandchildren... Can't wait. 5y
Lynnsoprano @Izai.Amorim Grandchildren are excellent motivation to stay healthy, to be around to enjoy our time with them. She is an absolute delight to be with 5y
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How to Babysit A Grandpa is the hilarious children's picture book written by Jean Raegan and illustrated by Lee Wildish. If you click this link, you will find out what inspired Jean Raegan to write this book! http://www.jeanreagan.com/index.php/books/how-to-babysit-a-grandpa #ucflae3414sp17

Alisoncavicchi This is a very intriguing book cover! And would definitely be appealing to children 8y
AnastasiaH This seems like a great book for young readers! I wonder if it would make a good read aloud to share with a class. 8y
LaurenM19 This would be a great book to read to younger children! 8y
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DanielleS The cover of this book is very appealing and I think kids would love that! It seems like it might be a great story telling book, I'll have to check that out! 8y
DrSpalding Your link includes how the book was translated into braille as well. Very cool. 8y
AlexandriaJ I really enjoyed your link that you incorporated within your post! I really enjoyed how at the end of the page it has a video of the story being read so if it is being used for a younger age group they can follow along if they don't know all of the words! 7y
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The Friends of the Library group put together this adorable "Grandparent Fun" tote for a silent auction benefit for a local 4yo fighting cancer! A handmade quilt, two books, coloring/sticker book and a set of blocks! How cute! #kidlit