collection of short stories that capture, at least partially, the native american experience. great writting but melancholy…definitely recommend!
collection of short stories that capture, at least partially, the native american experience. great writting but melancholy…definitely recommend!
This book is a masterpiece. It is beautifully written and has you laughing and crying at the same time. The collection of short stories is artfully woven together to create a complex portrait of life as a Spokane Indian. This novel is important and extremely impactful, and it is absolutely worth the read.
#CuriousCovers Day 6: Yellow
This book is actually signed by Sherman Alexie from when he came to my college for a lecture. Surprisingly, I have not read this one, other than the title story. I have read Reservation Blues (also by Alexie, and featuring some of the same characters) for my literature of the American West class in college. The film Smoke Signals is based on characters from both books.
*bonus yellow cover in the background!
"She was beautiful. She had either gained or lost twenty pounds, one braid hung down a little longer than the other, and she had ironed her shirt until the creases were sharp."
"It's hard to be optimistic on the reservation. When a glass sits on a table here, people don't wonder if it's half filled or half empty. They just hope it's good beer."
"It's the small things that hurt the most. The white waitress who wouldn't take an order, Tonto, the Washington Redskins."
Full of humor & fierce commentary on poverty, Alexie's linked stories are brimming with memorable and resilient characters. The power of and faith in stories is multifaceted. Story as record (history), story as survival mechanism & as weapon. "Survival=Anger X Imagination. Imagination is the only weapon on the reservation." The trickster animal, Coyote, is the presiding force over this remarkable collection.
A good collection of short stories. I don't think there was a happy, uplifting story in the bunch, but there are some humorous moments and each story gives you something to think about. I liked Alexie's writing style and I will definitely check out more of his books📚📚📚
I'm writing about Marvel's new Captain America: Civil War movie for EW, and the battle between heroes reminded me of this line from Sherman Alexie's story "Every Little Hurricane," collected in "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven."