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Drug Dealer, MD
Drug Dealer, MD: How Doctors Were Duped, Patients Got Hooked, and Why Its So Hard to Stop | Anna Lembke
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Three out of four people addicted to heroin probably started on a prescription opioid, according to the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the United States alone, 16,000 people die each year as a result of prescription opioid overdose. But perhaps the most frightening aspect of the prescription drug epidemic is that its built on well-meaning doctors treating patients with real problems. In Drug Dealer, MD, Dr. Anna Lembke uncovers the unseen forces driving opioid addiction nationwide. Combining case studies from her own practice with vital statistics drawn from public policy, cultural anthropology, and neuroscience, she explores the complex relationship between doctors and patients, the science of addiction, and the barriers to successfully addressing drug dependence and addiction. Even when addiction is recognized by doctors and their patients, she argues, many doctors dont know how to treat it, connections to treatment are lacking, and insurance companies wont pay for rehab. Full of extensive interviewswith health care providers, pharmacists, social workers, hospital administrators, insurance company executives, journalists, economists, advocates, and patients and their families Drug Dealer, MD, is for anyone whose life has been touched in some way by addiction to prescription drugs. Dr. Lembke gives voice to the millions of Americans struggling with prescription drugs while singling out the real culprits behind the rise in opioid addiction: cultural narratives that promote pills as quick fixes, pharmaceutical corporations in cahoots with organized medicine, and a new medical bureaucracy focused on the bottom line that favors pills, procedures, and patient satisfaction over wellness. Dr. Lembke concludes that the prescription drug epidemic is a symptom of a faltering health care system, the solution for which lies in rethinking how health care is delivered.
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Too much of the opioid crisis is dependent upon assumptions rather than the science and facts that are presented in this book. I tore through it in two days time, it was so well written. My heart goes out to the doctors who are backed into an awful corner, and the people whose addictions started with a prescription from their doctor.

The language is clear and accessible, I recommend this to any reader.

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Just finished book 3 during #24in28. This was a highly readable look at the prescription drug epidemic and the role doctors and the medical industry (e.g., insurance and pharmacy companies) are complicit. Written by a psychiatrist, the author uses case studies and statistics to elucidate the issue. As a social scientist, I balked when opinions—however informed—were presented as facts. Also found a couple editorial errors. 3.5/5 ⭐️

HardcoverHearts You are doing great on time for the readathon! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
ChasingOm Since unverified claims being presented as “facts” got us into the whole opioid epidemic mess, I think I‘ll skip this one based on your review. Thanks! 😬 6y
cocomass @ChasingOm exactly!! And the author covered that, so I was surprised by her presentation of (again, informed) theories and (promising) as validated facts 😕 6y
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An important look at the prescription drug abuse epidemic currently causing so many deaths. This is written by a doctor who is a specialist in addiction issues, and it is fascinating to see how the medical community has played a part in the problem. As a social worker at a hospital, I see the sad effects of addiction issues in patients' lives. While I don't agree with everything this author says, I think more people need to learn about this issue.

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