#whyNoReading #Yardwork I had help , paid my crew with cheeseburgers!
#whyNoReading #Yardwork I had help , paid my crew with cheeseburgers!
We‘ve been busy this weekend trying to get some of our backyard reno done before our county shut down the non-essential businesses including the one that takes old Asphalt. We decided we needed more play space for our granddaughter & so i could wiggle my toes in the grass now that we live somewhere where there are no freaking FireAnts. I loved Florida & California but big do I have scars.🦶🏼 Earthing is a big deal to me. This helps me de-stress.
Matthew Zantingh interviewed Daniel Coleman on the research and writing of Yardwork: A Biography of an Urban Place at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. #books #canadianauthor #congressH #nonfiction #HamOntauthor
Daniel Coleman reads from Yardwork at the launch in Hamilton, Ontario. #nonfiction #environment #booklaunch #canadianauthor