Sunshine in Neverland | Moira Darling
Do you sometimes feel that there is something missing in your life even though you seem to have everything? Or sometimes feel that you are going around in circles, looking for an answer when the question isn't even clear to you? Do wonder what life is all about and why things are not going well for you? Moira Darling has been there, done that, and worn the teeshirt! She was lost, going round in never-ending circles, sad, sick and exhausted from living this painful way until she connected with her true spirit and tuned into her own life lessons. Her transformation to a place of self-love and healing eventually began, bringing with it her genuine gift of intuition, compassion and kindness to help others find their own answers This book may be just what you are looking for, a real life story of ups and downs and how to build emotional strength and grow spiritually from all that life throws at you.