There are many unflattering ways to leave this world, but none quite so unflattering as being forced to live in it.
There are many unflattering ways to leave this world, but none quite so unflattering as being forced to live in it.
#Gratitude30 Day 23: There is a #Scent of the familiar in this completed and reimagined narrative by Mark Twain pieced together from fragmentary outlines and new life breathed into it by masterful storytellers. There is a hugeness to the smallness of the story, and at the same time seeing the universe in the small – exactly how Mark Twain has always made me feel as a reader. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-iPc
I enjoyed this tale woven by Philip Stead from Mark Twain‘s notes of a story he told his children. It‘s clever and meta and the illustrations are gorgeous.
Loved it! Princess-Bride level meta-writing. Plenty of Twain's humor and wit while still leaving room for the author's own voice. If you haven't heard of this, read the article linked below, because the story behind the book is pretty cool ** https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/01/20/books/mark-twain-childrens-book.html?refer...
I‘m so fortunate to work where I do! At today‘s staff meeting, we all had a chance to share a recent read that we loved (or not so much.) It was awesome to hear what my coworkers read recently and I got some great recommendations! To top it off, one of our peeps moved to Hawaii and stopped by for a surprise visit! She came straight from the airport with the hopes of catching everyone after our 2nd Tuesday of the month meeting! ❤️
Sometimes, Dad sends me a book out of the blue. This week a story by Mark Twain recently completed by author/illustrator team Phillip and Erin Stead. It made my day! (Guess where my love of books comes from? 😊)
#spookyoctober #octoberTBR @Jess7
I'm really excited for this previously unpublished work from Mark Twain. I also have Batman Vol. 3 featuring Bane, Ablutions by Patrick deWitt, and Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly high on my list/on hold at the library.