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Drömfakulteten: - tillägg till sexualteorin | Sara Stridsberg
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Ett hotellrum i Tenderloin District, torskdistriktet i San Francisco. Det är april 1988 och Valerie Solanas ligger och dör i lunginflammation på en smutsig madrass och nedkissade lakan. Utanför fönstret blinkar rosa neonskyltar, det är flickor och fittor för ingenting, porrmusiken arbetar dag och natt. Den 30 april hittas hennes kropp av hotellpersonalen. I polisrapporten står det att den döda knäar vid sängkanten (har hon försökt ta sig upp i sängen? har hon gråtit?), att hennes kropp är täckt av maskar och att döden troligen har inträffat någon gång kring den 25 april. Några veckor tidigare har någon i hotellpersonalen sett henne sitta och skriva vid fönstret. Jag tänker mig högar av papper på skrivbordet, silverkappan på en galge vid fönstret och lukten av saltvatten från Stilla Havet, jag tänker mig Valerie febrig i sängen där hon försöker röka cigaretter och göra anteckningar. Jag tänker mig utkast och manuskript överallt i rummet... sol kanske... vita moln... en ökens ensamhet Jag tänker mig att jag är där hos Valerie. Drömfakulteten är en svindlande roman om Amerika, ökendjur, horor och döden. I utkanten av öknarna, stränderna, universitetsparkerna och sextiotalets konstvärld springer Valerie Solanas genom den amerikanska historien i sin silverkappa och i freaksens alla förklädnader; galenpannans, horans, bagladyns. Sara Stridsbergs Valerie Solanas är ett underbarn på gränsen till undergång som både speglar och förvränger arkitekturen, berättelserna och vetenskapen som konstituerar hennes värld. Om Happy Sally: ”Stridsbergs förståelse för såväl kvinnlig oceanvilja som för den sorg som spräcker varje illusion om helhet gör hennes bok både utomordentligt spännande och betydande.” Aftonbladet ”Det är kort sagt en riktigt riktigt bra romandebut. Den diskuterar vår mänskliga längtan efter att fungera lika smidigt som maskiner, vårt förakt för svaghet och de svagas roll i en värld av prestationer.” DN
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#mbi2019 #manbookerinternational2019

Hard to review - beautifully written, completely original and I adored the experimental but intuitive structure (I think this will divide opinion but I loved it). My only issue is that I don‘t know if I can really root for a book that disturbed and depressed me this much. I think I can, which is why I went with ‘pick‘ but this was one of the emotionally hardest books I‘ve ever read.

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There‘s no such thing as context. Everything has to be wrenched out of its setting. Frames of reference can always explainnaway the most obvious connections.

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On to my next #mbi2019 #manbookerinternational2019 book! This is great so far, but I‘m having a bit of a hard time reading at my usual pace atm. The political situation in the UK is really messing with me and even tho I‘m doing better than I have in years just personally with my mental health, every time I get reminded what country I live in I just feel awful and exhausted. :/

Susannah I‘m from the US, and I totally understand. Four and a half months after Donald Trump was inaugurated, my anxiety and depression temporarily got the better of me. It was—and still is—a scary time for our countries. Turn off if/when you can. Take care of yourself. 🙂 5y
Freespirit I feel for you @Emilymdxn and @Susannah . Here in Aus we have had as many Prime Ministers in the past 5 years. Politicians seem polarised in their extreme views and what's best for the country is not their priority anymore..and policy is short term fixes rather than long term. Lucky we have books😠5y
Emilymdxn @Susannah @freespirit it‘s pretty miserable and very hard to cope with - small bit of god news though, did you see about the new president of Slovakia? Female human rights lawyer and anti corruption activist who ran on the slogans ‘stand up to evil‘ and ‘humanism, solidarity, truth‘. Let‘s all move to Sovakia (edited) 5y
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Tonton So real; sometimes I can‘t even face the newsfeed for what fresh hell... 5y
cmarie I feel this so much, it's just so draining. It's literally everywhere you go, everyone wants to talk about but we're still stuck in this god awful loop of no one knowing what to do. I'm steering well clear of political or dystopian novels until it's sorted. Try go back to reading old favourites for a while to get you back in a happier mindset ☺ 5y
saresmoore I‘m so sorry and I empathize deeply. Every day has me fearful for any sort of future for my daughters, the planet, humanity, let alone the country! It‘s so good to focus on the small hopeful bits. UK & US news is increasingly hopeless, it seems. 5y
Emilymdxn @Tonton @cmarie @saresmoore thanks for your solidarity guys it means a lot to know it‘s not just me being beaten into the ground by this. I just wish the atmosphere of despair everywhere I go wasn‘t getting to my reading commitments so much - I don‘t want to be this behind on my prize lists :( 5y
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This is the story about Valerie Solanas, intelligent, witty feminist and author of the SCUM Manifesto, but she became famous for shooting at Andy Warhol. The narrative takes place in various timelines and in various narrative techniques, some of the chapters are written even only in dialogues which gives a feeling that you are reading the play or script. Focus is on some of the most important events in Valerie‘s life that brought her to the ... 👇

Simona ... self-destructive behavior and the author connects this intimate events with the destructive events that took place in this period around the world. Complex? Definitely! Effective? Only if the experimental writing is your cup of tea. Unfortunately, it wasn‘t mine ... #MBIP2019 #ManBookerInternationalPrize 5y
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Trying to get my heart rate down after 1) dealing with Walter, the manic snapping turtle, and 2) believing I had forgotten my favorite cat outside hours and hours ago (he was upstairs, probably wondering why I was outside crying "Conan! Conan!"). This is the only Scandinavian book magazine I've found that I've liked. No pretentiousness, normal articles that people without a degree in literary science can read, and glossy paper with colors ??

Sarah83 Looks pretty cool. How often is the magazine published? 8y
tricours @Sarah83 I think it's 6 times a year, can't remember! 8y
Sarah83 In Germany there are several magazine, but I can decide which one I should read permanently. 🤔 8y
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tricours @Sarah83 there's one more in Sweden, modeled on the French Magazine Littéraire, but I haven't checked it out much (subscribing to Swedish magazines from Norway is a bit more expensive), but Norway altogether lacks these types of magazines. It's all extremely high brow over here, even though like 90% of the population only read crime novels... 8y
Sarah83 Is that the reason why you often read in foreign languages? To read something else than crime? 😉 I understand what you mean. May I should send you some german ones? 😉 8y
Sarah83 In Germany also the bookshops publish little magazines with new books or interviews. 🖒 8y
tricours @Sarah83 haha, not only!ðŸ˜There is other, good Swedish/Norwegian literature too, but the crime thing is really dominant... I really look forward to being better at German, I'm sure Germany has much more to offer, and the bookstores are all bland chain stores with 50 copies of the same 5 books on display... German bookstores actually publish things themselves? 8y
Sarah83 yes. They have little magazines in which librarians (mostly of this special bookstore) introduce new books to the readership. The last one magazine I had, is already gone, but maybe next time I can take a picture for you of it. 🖒 8y
tricours @Sarah83 please do! 8y
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