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Username: Uprising | Joe Sugg
5 posts | 1 read | 6 to read
BOOK 3 IN THE USERNAME SERIES Evie longs to put her e.scape adventures behind her. She's battle-scarred and determined to move on, but an outcast from her digital paradise is set on revenge. Knox roams the streets and pledges to punish the girl who dismissed his kind from the real world. Soon, his plans go beyond personal, and Knox plots an uprising that could bring life as we know it to an end. Faced with an uprising on a global scale, as well as issues on the friendship and romance frontline, Evie must stage a fight back that calls her own existence into question.
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The ash is apart of my first name. The on the line part comes from this poem I wrote when I was like 10 or so and it started off kind of romantic but then turns morbid which when I read later on made me laugh like crazy so it has stuck with me. It‘s now my go to username.

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My handle was the name of my cat. I found her as a stray kitten and I was reading Get Shorty at the time. So she was named after Chili Palmer.

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Hopefully this clears up any confusion that may come, but I just changed my username .. I didn‘t know it was that easy lol 😂 Too much confusion happening with the other user who was close in name.. formally CAFFIENEQUEEN .. thanks! ✌🏻

LeahBergen Got it! 👍🏻 6y
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My username is pretty simple. It's just my first and middle name. I use it for practically everything. I lack the skills to come up with more unique usernames lol.

#litsyhandle @Chelleo

Chelleo Melynda Rae? That‘s so pretty! 6y
melyndarae @Chelleo Thank you! I used to hate my middle name but I love it now. I love how my names flow together. My married name is Wright and it flows so well too. Rae/Ray has become a generational name for my family. Grandpa is named Ray, my mom and I have the middle name Rae, and my son's middle name is Ray. 6y
Chelleo Love it. Me, my brother, my nieces and my sons all share my mother‘s maiden name, Pantoja. Love family naming traditions. 6y
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