This was a fun read with a heart. I love wedding stories and often the more daft they are, the better!! This was a good tale and friendship, as well as being true to yourself and having the guts to tell people to shut up sometimes!
This was a fun read with a heart. I love wedding stories and often the more daft they are, the better!! This was a good tale and friendship, as well as being true to yourself and having the guts to tell people to shut up sometimes!
Everyone has a bridezilla story, I ‘might‘ have been a bit of one myself... through sheer excitement, I promise!! But this book is shaping up to be exactly the fun read I need! Only a few pages in and I‘ve already laughed out loud!
This book pulled me right out of my reading slump and was the perfect holiday read. As with her first book, the second half is more serious than the first half, but it was a fun book.