“I'm sore from all this growing“ - SAME.
This book was beautiful. A book of poems, pictures, drawings, and diary entries, written by teenager Rowan. She pulled entries from years before too, going back to age 12. The entire time it felt like I was reading my own thoughts. She sooo so accurately captured the feelings of grief, despair, loneliness, confusion, but also BEAUTY of what it means to be an adolescent,
The entire time I was reading, I was taken back to what I felt when I was LITTLE. Literally a little 15 year old baby trying to figure out my place in the world. It seems TRIVIAL sometimes- such a young age to think such big, dramatic things. But those feelings are VALID. They were valid for me a decade ago and they are valid for every person coming of age before, during, and after me.
“Quiet and rage exist in you at once and this does not make you weak it makes you like the rain“ 5y