Set in Victorian York, this vivid romance is based on real events, revolving around the life of a remarkable woman � Louisa Elliott. Proud and determined, she struggles to overcome the stigmas of the past: a past shared by her cousin, Edward Elliott. Only as she falls passionately in love with another man, does Edward begin to understand that he is in love with her himself. Robert Duncannon, an Irish officer with the Royal Dragoons, is everything steadfast, loyal Edward can never be. But Robert � like the Elliott family � has secrets of his own� Loving them both, Louisa must choose between the respectability she craves, and the uncertainty of life with a man she may never marry. A great, rich novel, peopled with characters you come to know intimately and care about deeply, LOUISA ELLIOTT will linger with you long after the final page has been turned. �Compelling and thought-provoking reading, right to the very last page� - Chicago Sun-Times �Ann Victoria Roberts is an unusually gifted author� - Daily Mail
(less)Set in Victorian York, this vivid romance is based on real events, revolving around the life of a remarkable woman � Louisa Elliott. Proud and determined, she struggles to overcome the stigmas of the past: a past shared by her cousin,