I have read this book before, but it‘s been a while. It‘s encouraging and faith building. I will read it again in the future, probably soon!
I have read this book before, but it‘s been a while. It‘s encouraging and faith building. I will read it again in the future, probably soon!
I think I may have over extended myself. Two of these are library holds that I need to get done, and I am currently studying for a CLU course exam at the end of the month. I‘m still excited to see how much I can get done, & the read-along actually goes until June. Fingers crossed 🤞
#mayTBR. #OLCWTARead
So...I decided to catch up on GOT while reading my prayer challenge that I slacked on 🙈 and this was what the reading was today. I shouldn't have laughed but the coincidence was too much.