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Hamilton: An American Biography | Tony Williams
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The award-winning, smash Broadway hit Hamilton: An American Musical continues to captivate sold-out audiences and has sparked unprecedented interest in its historical protagonist. In Hamilton: An American Biography, Tony Williams provides readers with a concise biography that traces the events and values that enabled Hamilton to rise from his youth as a dispossessed orphan to Revolutionary War hero and Founding Father, a life uniquely shaped by America and who, in turn, contributed to the creation of the American regime of liberty and self-government. He was one of key leaders in the American Revolution, a chief architect of Americas constitutional order of self-government, and the key figure in Washingtons administration creating the institutions that governed America. Williams expertly weaves together biography with historical events to place Hamilton as one of the most important founding fathers. For readers just discovering Hamilton for the first time or those with an insatiable appetite for books on the Founders and the American Founding, Hamilton: An American Biography will shed new light on this American icon now experiencing a remarkable second act.
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Love this version of My Shot. 😂 A creative and quick thinking genius in Lin-Manuel Miranda. 🙌👏👍


#MyShot #MusicalNewYear

MelissaSue81 Love it! And kinda hate it. 5y
GingerAntics Oh my god I love him!!! 5y
MicheleinPhilly Good for him! Everyone‘s obsession with recording everything so they can share it on social media is maddening. And I‘ve definitely filmed bits of concerts and posted them but this whole phenomenon of watching what‘s going on right in front of you THROUGH your phone is just 🙄. 5y
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kspenmoll @MicheleinPhilly For me it takes away from the real sensory experience! 5y
Cinfhen So true @MicheleinPhilly you miss so much when your focus is on trying to capture something instead of just enjoying the something 🙄 5y
vivastory I 💯 agree with you @MicheleinPhilly 5y
GlassAsDiamonds Drives me crazy - I‘ve called out people in cinemas doing this. Used to work in IP & it‘s theft of a luxury product, there‘s no justification (clearly the 15second SM bites aren‘t the same ball park, I primarily mean pure piracy of the whole content). Love LMM!!! ♥️ (edited) 5y
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Day 3 - #wholiveswhodies #musicalnewyear

Let me tell you what I wish I'd known
When I was young and dreamed of glory
You have no control
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
President Jefferson:
I'll give him this: his financial system is a work of genius
I couldn't undo it if I tried
And... I've tried
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

Cinfhen Such a well written show 6y
readingjedi Absolutely loving all the Hamilton references on my feed today 😍 6y
vivastory I definitely want to read the Chernow bio. 6y
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