"YOU ARE A FOOL. I SHOULD TERMINATE YOU NOW TO SAVE YOU THE TROUBLE OF DYING LATER." DEADLY WITH A KNIFE AND SKILLED in hand-to-hand combat, nineteen-year-old Sarah Mathis is far from normal, despite her efforts to be so. Trained from youth to battle the paranoid imaginations of her father, she pushes into society after a lifetime of isolation, only to learn that a supernatural adversary wants her hidden... or dead. When her best friend dies in a horrible crash, Sarah learns that the collision was triggered by a man named Johnathan, a deceptively handsome demon that now stalks her-in life and in her dreams. No longer just imaginary shadows, the agents of the supernatural realm target Sarah, compelling her to uncover the truth her father kept concealed. Sarah must accept her destiny as mankind's Defender and defeat her personal demon before he destroys her soul and everything she loves.
(less)"YOU ARE A FOOL. I SHOULD TERMINATE YOU NOW TO SAVE YOU THE TROUBLE OF DYING LATER." DEADLY WITH A KNIFE AND SKILLED in hand-to-hand combat, nineteen-year-old Sarah Mathis is far from normal, despite her efforts to be so. Trained from