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The Pilgrimage
The Pilgrimage | Paulo Coelho
Here Paulo Coelho details his journey across Spain along the legendaryroad of San Tiago, which pilgrims have travelled since Middle Ages. On this contemporary quest, he encounters a Chaucerian variety of mysterious guides and devilish opponents and learns to understand the nature of truth through the simplicity of life. The Pilgrimage holds an important place in Paulo Coelho's literary canon. His first book, it not only paved the way for his phenomenal novel The Alchemist , but it also fully expresses his humanist philosophy and the depth of his unique search for meaning.
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The Pilgrimage | Paulo Coelho
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Headed out on a vacation flight, just downloading my audiobook. Also realized I made it to 1000, so that‘s a thing, yes?

Kaye Yes 👍🏼 5y
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The Pilgrimage | Paulo Coelho
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#QuotsyAug18 Day 15: Always important to #Relax, regardless of whether making important decisions or not.

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The Pilgrimage | Paulo Coelho
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#QuotsyJune18 Day 8: Such a moribund #Companion, this one is.

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The Pilgrimage | Paulo Coelho
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The eBook cover is simply too vile to use but my copy of the book is in storage so we‘re going to have to go with this. A re-read with over a decade in between, I‘m a little less gung-ho than I was but still a fan. It‘s more overtly religious than some of his other work but still very much, & clearly, Coelho‘s. Well written, well translated and profoundly odd, I recommend it, especially if you‘re at all interested in The Strange Road to Santiago.

The Pilgrimage | Paulo Coelho
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Not much fun taking quote photos from an eReader BUT it‘s such a good quote and I didn‘t bring the physical copy of this one with me because the Chinese authorities were in a mood when we moved there - ANYWAY! This is one of the hard bits about being an expat. When all the shiny new fun that traveling shows you wears off, and it does if you‘re living somewhere, reality can be a little less...”shiny”. Expat thoughts for a Saturday night 😊

Swe_Eva Visiting somewhere is so very different from living there. 😳😂 6y
GlassAsDiamonds @Swe_Eva *wisdom I wish I had pondered more deeply before we accepted a transfer to India*.... yeah.... you‘d be amazed! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 6y
Swe_Eva @GlassAsDiamonds 😂😂😂 I moved from Sweden to Los Angeles many, many years ago and I think my nephews and nieces still think I go to Disneyland every weekend. 😂 No, I‘m doing laundry and cleaning. 😂 Not sure I would be brave enough for India.... 😳 Where did you start out? 6y
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GlassAsDiamonds @Swe_Eva ooohh.... that would be tough as well. Is LA home now or will you head back at some point? We‘re definitely not here for the long run (just a work posting). Aussie but we were in China before India & at the time... it seemed sane??? (I think I‘m going to need to leave India before I can love it again). 6y
Swe_Eva @GlassAsDiamonds Haha, once you've left you'll be back to that "visitor" mood where you just remember the good parts. ? I'm not sure if I'm here for good. The older I get, I seem to miss Europe more and more (our current political climate makes me want to run away, for sure!). 6y
Swe_Eva @GlassAsDiamonds I've been here for over 20 years, so, yes, it's pretty much home. 6y
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The Pilgrimage | Paulo Coelho
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I can't do it!

ReadingEnvy Haha I always feel this way about Paolo. 8y
ReadingEnvy Paulo. 8y
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The Pilgrimage | Paulo Coelho
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The Pilgrimage | Paulo Coelho
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Paulo Coelho makes heart happy.

BellaBookNook I agree and that cover is beautiful. Love the Alchemist. 8y
Booksnob I love the cover and the Alchemist ranks in my top 10 favorite books. 8y
Casmt I haven't read Coehlo for ten years and now I want to reread I can't decide where to start! Any ideas? I'm thinking maybe here or By the river Piedra? 8y
Booksnob @Casmact Coehlo has a lot of newer books as well. Have you read any? I haven't read Piedra yet. 8y
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