Headed out on a vacation flight, just downloading my audiobook. Also realized I made it to 1000, so that‘s a thing, yes?
Headed out on a vacation flight, just downloading my audiobook. Also realized I made it to 1000, so that‘s a thing, yes?
#QuotsyAug18 Day 15: Always important to #Relax, regardless of whether making important decisions or not.
The eBook cover is simply too vile to use but my copy of the book is in storage so we‘re going to have to go with this. A re-read with over a decade in between, I‘m a little less gung-ho than I was but still a fan. It‘s more overtly religious than some of his other work but still very much, & clearly, Coelho‘s. Well written, well translated and profoundly odd, I recommend it, especially if you‘re at all interested in The Strange Road to Santiago.
Not much fun taking quote photos from an eReader BUT it‘s such a good quote and I didn‘t bring the physical copy of this one with me because the Chinese authorities were in a mood when we moved there - ANYWAY! This is one of the hard bits about being an expat. When all the shiny new fun that traveling shows you wears off, and it does if you‘re living somewhere, reality can be a little less...”shiny”. Expat thoughts for a Saturday night 😊
Paulo Coelho makes heart happy.