This so resonates with me-especially with the Bible verses and growing up in the 90s. And here, I‘ve just shaved my head today.
This so resonates with me-especially with the Bible verses and growing up in the 90s. And here, I‘ve just shaved my head today.
My biggest accomplishment of last night and today was finishing this book. Also protecting my sushi from the cat. I thought the book had a good theme but I was very disappointed with the ending, I think this is because it is a debut novel. While this book and theme was compared to Margaret Atwood, there is no way she would have ended a book like this. All in all, well this will never be my favorite book, I would read another by this author
I drove in circles for 3 hours today, listening to this off and in. I don‘t think it will be my favorite book, but I do sometimes like historical fiction. Settling in tonight with an amaretto sour 🍒 🍊 🍹
This was an audible original, finally got around to reading. It was ok, decent premise, but didn‘t hold my attention as much as other books in this genre do. Overall it was just ok. I‘ll have to see if it fits any of the categories for my 2020 reading challenge.
This is my first Scalzi book, and then I just read old man‘s war. Really good writing, good sci-fi. I did leave some loose ends that I think could have been tied up better in terms of the story, but the overall explanation of things is sufficient. Bonus, my kid made me dinner, so basics life is feeling pretty good. Looking through To find the next book recommendation!
When you get to the end, but you are still in the middle. This certainly wasn‘t the best book I‘ve ever read but it brought me a lot of joy to have an adult choose your own adventure novel.
Took myself out on a sushi 🍣 date tonight and listening to this as I am driving. I‘m hooked, I can see all the ways this book could go, but I don‘t actually know how it is going. Good sci do, at least so far!
This was our Christmas road trip book! A bit delayed with the post, but the book was good, and well narrated.
“You don‘t have a home until you leave it, and then when you‘ve left it you can‘t go back.”
Watching Sabrina remake with my teenager here. They are advocating to read this book, which is banned, and they go to the library and looked through the card catalogue. With actual cards!
Enjoying this story, so nice to escape into something that has nothing to do with work or other serious business. Onto the last hour of the story. Snuggled in.
I thought I was going to a cooking talk, but then I soon realized it was a talk about the intersectionality as seen through cooking, African American and Jewish histories entwined. All by a queer southern author. Afterwards I engaged him around his roots and queerness, because it is so important to see and be seen, and to acknowledge that when we can be in invited and respected spaces, whether lecture halls or in print.
With @kgriffith
I agree with this and also don‘t. A community without a collective voice, one may bestow ally-ship where another does not... then does it make it so, or take away, or null?
Pleased to be starting this book
Sooo excited about this book I got 2 copies, that‘s how much I knew it was going to be amazing. One delivered to my office yesterday and one to my house today.
Brunch and a reading of one story from each of five chapters in this book. Enjoyed more with company than would have been alone, on all counts.
I don‘t usually love novellas, but it was nice to have a story that wasn‘t complicated keep me occupied for a bit.
“I don‘t see where it matters what is written... it can always be crossed out.”
Finished my book yesterday. Also, made salsa 😋
Had to back up about 3 hours because I was just following the cantor of the voice and didn‘t hear the words!
Reading before I watch!
My friend does audiobook production. We went on an explore at the oldest bookstore in Maine, as she went through books she‘s worked on or knows who did.
About to get into my October book club read, queer book club-
It was a really long day and I‘m kind of exhausted. Gave two small presentations, but also I was on all day talking to Mostly pediatricians. Really long drive in the car, so I finished up who spoke on the way up, which I‘ll be discussing in my leadership book club tomorrow.
Finished this book today. I really appreciated the theory and evidence for hard work. I have been working hard myself
Game night! My cat kept walking across or sitting on the board, flicking her tail throwing pieces hither and yon.
This was on my daughter summer reading for ninth grade honors English, and she was really hesitant to read it. Now that she‘s done she‘s really at me to read it also so we can talk about it. I love that she‘s able to make recommendations to me and we can share the joy of reading in a different way now that she‘s older! (this is her when I came to see her at work, with her cash register, refusing to make eye contact)
I finished this book, yay, not behind on book club reading (last month I didn‘t finish the book before we discussed it). I was enjoying the book but it was kind of like eh, and then suddenly it was like a rock just dropped out of the sky and smashed a car, kind of like this statue that I saw in DC. I had predicted a different ending and I didn‘t see it coming 🤷🏻♂️
What! I totally read almost half of this today, my quick flight ✈️. Damned if I don‘t finish the book before book club. Also damn, lots of memories and my own history coming up. But now, at the hotel pool...
I think I accidentally picked the book for book club this month, when I wasn‘t even there, LOL. But it came in the mail today, and I‘m not really upset a bit that I ordered the large print (which I think I did on accident but I may have just done on a whim). I think it will be much easier on my eyes for night reading. Oh being practical as an adult! Looking forward to the reading!
Well I finished this this morning. My book group met on Sunday and discussed it, but I was a little bit behind. Having finished the book, I am now wondering if we read the same book because I had so many different opinions and thoughts about it! It was very good, and I would read it again.
we made tomato soup from my tomatoes that I grew in my garden last night, and my house still smells delicious.
I do miss the days of young children, buying books on a whim to read to them. I most certainly would have done that today, with this book. This is the cookbook section of Bellabooks, absolutely lovely, and this children‘s book placed perfectly there.
“Truth is a matter of the imagination”
Exceptionally well done, suspense although not entirely unpredictable. I read the audiobook with my daughter, 14, and got to experience some of the edge of the seat through her, which made it all the better. Hard to recommend in a general sense, as it has a dark theme. Mostly listening on our way back from Montréal, dropping off girls as we drove (safely, with their parents) then stayed up late to finish it last night.
I‘ve read through the first and second sections (pre and during stonewall), Mostly yesterday on my plane ride, 50 year anniversary.
Pictured are several books/magazines referenced in the Stonewall reader, seen at the Museum of American history in DC yesterday as well.
Lobby day for NASW, four meetings this morning, Staff of two senators and two reps, Trying to increase support for mental health and access. (PS it‘s quite warm out here!)
One of my dear people was part of this audio production, and winning an odyssey award. Looking forward to listening. I‘m glad to have such wonderful literary folks in my life!
This book was delicious 😋 all the way through. I need a recommendation for something that I could enjoy almost as much. I read it slowly, only when I had time for unrequired fiction, and I‘m glad I did so!
Pride in Maine at the Blaine House. First time there has been an official proclamation for pride month in Maine. First time the governor has received a group of queer people for the intention of celebrating us. Being invited, that‘s a thing. Picture of myself and Governor Mills.
Book club selection this month, ready for discussion, but I‘m behind on the reading. Too much going on. I‘m in to keep going, it‘s a great anthology. Everyone agrees about the first 2/3, mixed reactions about the last bit. (Wearing my stonewall pride t shirt @kgriffith )
Killer Bunnies! Favorite game. The two of us can really get into a groove, and this time I won (I was overdue for a win),
Good find at ‘Yes books‘ today, my daughter is very excited about poetry lately.
My daughter‘s summer reading if she wants to have honors English in the fall.
I‘m not sure when my kid made a major switch in music, but the past couple months she has become a major Beatles fan. Which is all sorts of fun for me, having spent 7 years with a Beatles/ Lennon obsessed partner. Perhaps those early years really had an influence 🤔
Graduation of my 17 year old, a year early and that brought up more emotions, she‘s ready and she‘s not at the same time.
What came in the mail yesterday!
I‘ve read this book a million times, and I think it holds not only goodness for children, but the best parenting advice I‘ve found. Pretty much sums up the foundation of my parenting. Even with my new “rule” of, you ought to only eat in the kitchen.
(My kid just made the choice to take a bag of Doritos from her room, to instead eat in the living room. I‘m calling it a win).
The first half of my raised bed is planted. Following the square foot method, even though my soil mix is off. Getting some more compost before planting the other side. Not sure if you can see, but my ‘big boy‘ and ‘early girl‘ tomatoes are side by side, we‘ll see which set of four has the best yield.
But if you find a word you think is clever,
Use it but once, don‘t harp on it forever!
Just started reading. So far I like the storytelling and narrator.
I googled, “what is the gayest book?” And these are the book choices that came up. I did this because, according to an algorithm, I‘m the third gayest Litten. 🔥 🤓 🏳️🌈 📚 😼
Tagged folks had me beat for gay 🤷🏻♂️
Audiobook done! Good telling, the right amount of twisted and the right amount of truth.