So this arrived today #MythsandLegendsSwap @MeganAnn @BethM I can‘t wait till May 1st to open it.
So this arrived today #MythsandLegendsSwap @MeganAnn @BethM I can‘t wait till May 1st to open it.
A super interesting read about National Myths, the role they play in shaping national identities, and the ways in which these myths have morphed and developed over time. Bouchard has curated a really diverse collection of essays, all of which explore different ideas about mythology and the nation. A great variety of case studies. #teachersoflitsy #historyteacherlife
What to do when you‘re in reading snail mode and life is so busy you can barely get through your current book club read? Start another school read of course? Pretty excited for this one too though! #historyteacherlife