Finished book 2 and onto book 3
Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Started: November 2, 2019 - November 18, 2019
Why I chose this book:
I chose this book because I also to continue the series with the unwanteds when I read the first book
Aaron Stowe has been kicked out of university. He gathers a group named, “The Restorers.“ He then rises his power and the demise of Artimé.
Genre: Fantasy
Start: Dec 3
Finish: Dec15
I received this series as a gift I read the first book and was interested in reading #2
The barrier between the city of Quill and the magical world of Artimé is gone and now people from both places can go back and forth. The people of Artimé still have trouble forgiving those from Quill who attacked them. The people from Quill were still very shocked from the death of their leader and Artimé‘s existence.
Sounds like a current world leader's problem... I finished this book last night during a five hour insomnia jag, ugh. Second in the series. Very very good. My 11 year old son recently finished the series. I highly recommend it for boys this age (whom I find it harder to find books he'll like than for my daughter). And I find it very entertaining too although the formatting (double-spacing) is more for elementary students, a shame.
On to Book Two of the Unwanteds series. Here's an update on my reading list as I normally (pre-Litsy) only read one book at a time. Spent another hour or so today listening to Lionheart on audible while doing housework. Still about ten hours to go with that one. My nonfictions are on hold and Ocean of Storms (still excellent) on Kindle is saved for my hours of insomnia.
Raising a Reader: my son came flying into my room just now breathless that he'd found his first editing mistake in a book. A character's dialog was missing the open quotation marks. Don't you just love those special first moments?
This was a good book. I would recommend this book if you read the first book.