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Look and Live
Look and Live: Behold the Soul-Thrilling, Sin-Destroying Glory of Christ | Matt Papa
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Only One Addiction Can Set You Free Matt Papa was a "professional Christian" in full-time ministry, ready and determined to change the world. All the while he was depressed, addicted to the approval of others, and enslaved to sin. But then everything changed. He encountered the glory of God. All of us live in the tension between where we are and where we ought to be. We try our best to bully our desires into submission. And we all know, this is exhausting. Are you tired? Stuck? Still fighting the same sin you've been fighting for years? The call in these pages is not to work or to strive, but to lift your eyes. You don't need more willpower. You need a vision of greatness that sweeps you off your feet. You need to see glory. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Look and Live. "Matt has helped me see that love for God grows out of an experience of beholding the love of God. We burn only as we behold. . . . This is a fantastic book and I commend it to you with the most enthusiastic support."--from the Foreword by J.D. Greear "Matt Papa cares about the glory of God, and you can sense that zeal on every page of this dynamic book. He also cares about you and me getting to grips with that glory. . . . Matt guides us through these pages with kindness, seriousness, and love--for God's greater glory and our greater good."--Matt Redman, songwriter and worship leader "Making our lives about one unflinching gaze upon the glory of Christ--what a vision Matt Papa has put before us. I encourage everyone to read this book!"--Tony Merida, pastor, professor, and author "Matt Papa's book is a snakebite kit for suffering sinners. Each sentence of Look and Live extracts Satan's deadly venom and resuscitates the soul with the life-giving power of the glory of God!"--Tony Nolan, snakebite survivor, author, and gospel preacher "To journey through this book is to go on a quest that will awaken our souls to the reality of the One who is 'majestic in holiness' and 'awesome in glorious deeds.'"--Dr. Brent Crowe, author, speaker, and vice president of Student Leadership University "I have been wonderfully blessed by Matt Papa's friendship and ministry. I am grateful his reflections on worship are now shared in Look and Live. It is biblically faithful and keeps the focus of worship where it belongs: on our glorious God."--Daniel L. Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary "Matt Papa faithfully points us to the soul-stirring glory of God. Read this book and allow your heart to once again behold the wondrous mystery."--Matt Boswell, founder of Doxology & Theology, and pastor of ministries and worship at Providence Church, Frisco, Texas "This is Matt's life message--that Jesus Christ alone is worth living for, and that when you gaze upon His majesty and glory you will never be the same. This book is theologically robust and practically helpful, packed with Scripture and insight into the person and work of the risen Son of God. . . . This is a true gift to the church."--Clayton King, president of Crossroads Camps and Clayton King Ministries "If C. S. Lewis and David Crowder wrote a book together about worship, you would have the rich theology of the great Christian apologist with the deep passion of worship from the contemporary artist. That's what Matt Papa has given us in Look and Live--a must-read for every worshiper."--Mike Harland, president of LifeWay Worship
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#photoadaynov16 #inspiring

This book blew me away. It literally changed the way I look at life as a Christian. With a fascinating, hope-filled perspective on shame and honoring God, this is a must-read in my book for people of faith!

Vexingcircumstance Would you say it is or isn't alienating for people who aren't Christian? I love reading about all religions (both the beliefs and the history). I have found many books geared toward Christians to be interesting & enlightening reads (I even had a really great online interaction with an author of one that I reviewed). Some (although less than some people would think) can leave me feeling a bit ostracized for not being Christian, though. 8y
Vexingcircumstance I really like the cover of this one and may look for it at the next library sale... 8y
JoeStalksBeck I'm not religious but I am obsessed with reading about the life of Yeshua. Not so much about God. That being said I do like a good book about religion 8y
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annahenke @Vexingcircumstance Well, in all honesty, this is a book written for Christians. It explores how everything we do is an act of #worship, whether we are worshipping God or something else. (I agree). The style is very colloquial and personal, but it does refer exclusively to #Christianity and the power that of God's grace through Jesus' sacrifice. It is very enlightening. But only you can tell if it's something you're interested in! 8y
annahenke Fave quote: "We don't need more willpower. We don't need to get ourselves together. We need a greater thrill...a more captivating beauty. What we need is a vision of God. We need to see glory." @Vexingcircumstance @Book_Addict 8y
Libby1 ❤️ 8y
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