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Joined September 2016

American living in Northern Ireland. I love historical fiction, classics, and literary fiction.
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The Last Unicorn by Peter S Beagle, Peter B Gillis
Aurora's Pride | AnneMarie Brear
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@slategreyskies here is an Aurora rainbow for you.

🌈 This was over my house a few weeks ago. I couldn‘t see it with the naked eye, but the colours only became visible when I took the picture. There is more colour and joy and support than we could ever know.

BarbaraBB 😍😍😍 1mo
BarbaraBB I hope you are doing well! 1mo
Oryx Wow. Hope you are keeping well ❤️ 1mo
slategreyskies Thank you for this. It‘s so incredibly beautiful. Sometimes when life is just too much for me, I find that nature is a sort of healing balm for me, that it provides this space for me to just breathe and recharge and feel like maybe I‘ll be okay after all. This pic so perfectly illustrates this. It feels like a snapshot of beauty and love and peace all rolled into one. Thank you for this. 🌈💕 1mo
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Ella Minnow Pea | Mark Dunn
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A perfect way to spend an afternoon. ❤️🌈❤️

Bookzombie That cake looks lovely and yummy. 6mo
Caryl I loved this book! I have it on my shelf, and have been tempted to read it again. 6mo
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Finding Bear | Hannah Gold
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My review made “front page” of the Waterstones website!

I‘m getting back into the swing of things with Litsy now. It has taken me awhile to adjust to being back at work again. I started a job at Waterstones nearly two years ago, and I‘m grateful to be surrounded by the books I love. 😃

If you‘re ever in Northern Ireland, get in touch and I can show you around my shop!


tpixie Awesomeness! 10mo
Cinfhen 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 10mo
wanderinglynn 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 10mo
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squirrelbrain Amazing! 10mo
TrishB Very cool 😁 10mo
Suet624 I‘m hoping to get to Northern Ireland in May. If so, I‘ll come and find you! 6mo
Libby1 @Suet624 please do!!! 😃 6mo
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The Last Unicorn | Peter S Beagle, Peter B Gillis
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Good morning, Littens!

I‘m revisiting a childhood favourite.

“I‘ll turn you into a bad poet with dreams.” 🤣

The Hunger Games: Volume 1 | Suzanne Collins
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My name is Katniss.

I am nearly 9 weeks old.

I lick the covers of book and nibble on their pages.


ravenlee 😻 2y
Libby1 @ravenlee ❤️ 2y
BookNAround Congratulations on you new furry reading buddy. She‘s gorgeous. (edited) 2y
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OrangeMooseReads A tuxie girl! They are the best. 😻 2y
Chrissyreadit 😻😻😻😻 2y
Prairiegirl_reading What a cutie!!! 😻 2y
squirrelbrain So cute! 😻 2y
julesG Hello cutie! 😻 2y
IndoorDame Welcome cutie 😻😻😻 2y
Bookzombie Oh my! So adorable! 2y
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The Dying Day | Vaseem Khan
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This is the second book in the series and I‘m really enjoying it so far. Set in India in 1950, it follows the first female police officer in the newly independent country.

Libby1 I‘ve tagged the first book in the series here. It was excellent. 2y
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Book Clubbed | Lorna Barrett
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I work at my local Waterstones book shop and have the great joy of running our Book Club.

In November our club wants to read a funny book and I‘m at a loss as to what to recommend. I give them a choice of three different books and the group votes for the book.

The books can‘t be too long and preferably not part of a series (unless it‘s maybe the first book?).

I would really appreciate your recommendations in the comments! ❤️

Susanita Perhaps this is a bit cliche, but it had me laughing so much on the subway that folks were looking at me funny. 2y
shortsarahrose It‘s short and considered a classic 2y
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jlhammar This Irish family memoir was fantastic and hilarious 2y
rwmg The books that most recently had me litwrally laughing out loud were 2y
charl08 What did you go with? I just read (and laughed at) 2y
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The Amazing Mr Blunden | Antonia Barber
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“No one is ever really dead, only dead to certain times and places. To you, the people who lived before you were born are now ‘dead‘, but you‘re also ‘dead‘ to the people born after you.”

Jamie and Lucy have just met their first ghosts in this charming middle grade novel, and things suddenly got very deep!

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It‘s 2008, Obama has just been elected for the first time, and the Big Guy is ready to lose his mind. The Big Guy can always buy what he wants, and this changing America is NOT what he wants. Can he create a cabal around him to take the country back?

This satire is devastating, prescient, and often funny. It‘s dialogue-heavy and clunky at times. There were times I loved it and times I wanted to throw it across the room.

An almost perfect book.

Small Things Like These | Claire Keegan
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It‘s here!!!

Small Things Like These for the win.

I‘m disappointed that The Colony by Audrey Magee missed out, but I‘m delighted for Claire Keegan.


TrishB Have only read 2 of these. The Keegan and The Trees. 2y
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The Great Passion | James Runcie
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The Great Passion is beautifully written historical fiction based on the life of Bach. In this passage Bach is helping a student get through a particularly difficult passage on the organ but I thought he was giving good life advice:

“This is how we master a problem… We run up to it until we find that it is so familiar that it no longer holds its terrors… Then we can continue without anxiety. You could give it a cheery wave as you say goodbye.”

jenniferw88 Please let me know how this is... I know at least 3 people I could give it to! 🤣 2y
Libby1 @jenniferw88 - I will. It‘s excellent so far! 2y
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“A new day can always bring you anything if you have no objection to it.”

The Moomins bring such joy!

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Hello, Littens!

Have a great day.

I‘m starting mine with The Exploits of Moominpappa before work.

How about you?

Bookwomble I started with two cheese on crumpets, scrolling Litsy and reading about the new Tolkien book due in November. It's a bank holiday in England, so having a slow start to the day 😌 2y
Libby1 Hi, @Bookwomble ! It‘s a bank holiday here in Northern Ireland as well, but I‘m working. Next stop Waterstones! I‘ll try not to buy anything today. 🙄 2y
TrishB I‘m hoping for a day of reading 😁 2y
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batsy Moomins! A lovely way to start the day 💕 2y
Libby1 Hi, @TrishB and @batsy . I‘m always so happy to see your comments. 2y
TrishB @Libby1 😁 happy to see you posting! 2y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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“Science fiction is not predictive; it is descriptive.

Predictions are uttered by prophets (free of charge), by clairvoyants (who usually charge a fee, and are therefore more honoured in their day than prophets), and by futurologists (salaried). Prediction is the business of prophets, clairvoyants, and futurologists. It is not the business of novelists. A novelist‘s business is lying.”

The Vanished Bride | Bella Ellis
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This book is so much fun.

It imagines the Brontë sisters as amateur detectives.

I was won over early on when Anne Brontë was recognised as a warrior.

Go, Anne!


(Excuse my crappy editing.)

EvieBee I am Team Anne as well! Love her! 2y
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“… but then most plain clothes officers aren‘t called upon to face down unicorns, sentient mould and the occasional carnivorous tree.”

I love the random humour in this series.

KathyWheeler My husband and I are listening to this right now,and we were saying that the random humor is one of the things we love about this series. (edited) 2y
Libby1 @KathyWheeler - me too. That and fun cultural references to the Lord of the Rings or Silmarillion (spelling? 🤷🏼‍♀️) and Doctor Who! 2y
KathyWheeler @Libby1 Yes! 😊 2y
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Paul Klee | Susie Hodge
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Even my cappuccino couldn‘t help but smile at this delightful book cover.

At the start of the book, the artist opines that he can‘t seem to figure out how to use colour in his art.

I think he fixed that!

I love finding unexpected gems like this at the library.


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I have brought a strange combination of books with me this morning! A Children‘s fantasy, Obama‘s autobiography and a book about the menopause. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I wish you were here with me, @Oryx , for one of these fancy scones!

MaGoose That is an unusual combination of books. Hope you enjoy them all. 🙂 3y
Libby1 Thanks, @MaGoose ! Have a great day. ❤️📚❤️ 3y
Libby1 I thought I should tag the other two books. 3y
Oryx Alana's!!! Yum. Wish I was there! Next time I'm home I'll let you know ☺️ 3y
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Earthshot: How to Save Our Planet | Colin Butfield, Jonnie Hughes
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Prince William writes the introduction of this book, where he provides two helpful equations on how we should view environmental challenges.

The first, which I fear I have fallen into all too often, is:

Urgency + Pessimism = Despondency

The second, which I‘m trying to embrace, is:

Urgency + Optimism = Action

I would also replace Optimism in that equation with Hope.

Earthshot: How to Save Our Planet | Colin Butfield, Jonnie Hughes
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JFK once called for the “Moonshot”: a dedicated, detailed plan to get humans to the Moon. This book is, instead, an “Earthshot”: a dedicated, detailed plan and series of prizes to help arrest the environmental devastation of our planet.

“It is easy to see humans as a problem, even to see ourselves as a burden on the planet. Please avoid that… We can have a good footprint, too.”

The Telltale Heart | Edgar Allan Poe
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Try to read it without singing it in your head.

I dare you.

(Sorry I had to crop out pics of a morose looking Edgar and a jolly Dolly.)

Librarybelle Yeah…no, I totally sang it in my head! 😂 3y
readordierachel Impossible 😂 3y
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The title of my next chapter. 🤣

I could make a list!

peaKnit Totally! I can think of a couple right off the bat lol! 3y
Libby1 Me too, @peaknit ! 😊 3y
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Snow: A Novel | John Banville
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Oh, how I enjoyed Banville‘s writing style.

But then he ruined it with a completely unforgivable section that felt like an assault. All the trigger warnings here. It utterly spoiled the whole work for me. I‘m still recovering.

Thankfully, my trusty cat Scully is here to comfort me. Here she is looking particularly fetching and entirely goofy.

rockpools Well that‘s rubbish. I take it Scully has given her opinion on the matter? Hope you get some sleep soon Libby. Good night 😘 3y
Libby1 @rockpools - Scully just doesn‘t want me to go to bed because then she‘ll have to get up! Good night, dear. 😊 3y
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Parnassus On Wheels | Christopher Morley
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An utterly joyful book about a horse drawn traveling bookshop and the adventures of its human and animal companions (a dog named Bock - short for Boccaccio!).

This book made me smile.

ravenlee There‘s a sequel of sorts - I haven‘t read Parnassus but found the second one enjoyable if a little silly 3y
Libby1 Thanks, @ravenlee ! I have the sequel on #SerialReader now. 😊 3y
ravenlee I hope you enjoy it! There was one section I really liked (and the only one I really remember a decade or so later!) about bookselling as prescription service, like you have to prescribe the right book for your customer/patient. As an on-again, off-again bookseller since I was 16 it really spoke to me. 3y
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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I start a new job at Waterstones book shop this morning! I am absolutely bricking it.

If you‘re the prayerful type I would really appreciate your “thoughts and prayers”!

I‘m half an hour early, so I‘m hoping this cozy mystery and some cinnamon on my cappuccino will help.

Cathythoughts Good luck! All will be well , what a lovely job to get 👍🏻❤️ and that‘s a perfect picture 3y
merelybookish All the best at your new job! 3y
CarolynM Good luck! I'm sure you'll do well, you know your books🙂😘 3y
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Amiable Sending “good luck on your first day” vibes! 3y
LauraBeth That sounds like an awesome job! Have fun! 3y
quietlycuriouskate Good luck, Libby! 3y
squirrelbrain Good luck - you‘ll ace it! 3y
Jas16 Good luck but you won‘t need it. You are going to be amazing! 3y
MaureenMc 🙏💗😁 3y
Bookzombie Good luck!🍀 3y
rabbitprincess Good luck! ♥️ 3y
kspenmoll Best of luck! I hope it went well- excited for you! Sending a prayer! 3y
Leftcoastzen I hope you love it ! 3y
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The Odyssey | Homer Homer
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Close up of part of my Bookish Cats puzzle.

Some of the other squares had Romeow and Juliet and Charlie and the Catnip Factory. 😻

This cute little Cyclops was my favourite.

Libby1 I forgot to mention Anna Purrenina! 3y
PurpleyPumpkin Omigosh these puzzle names are so cute! As is this puzzle!😁 3y
Crazeedi So cute!! 3y
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The Silmarillion | J. R. R. Tolkien
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My husband has been begging me for YEARS to read The Silmarillon. He has this beautiful and expensive edition that makes it impossible for me to say no.

So far, I‘ve been taking notes to try to keep the characters straight! Some of the writing and ideas are absolutely splendid (Niessa, anyone?), but it is certainly challenging to read.

Any other Silmarillion fans out there?

StaceGhost Yes! A friend gave it to me when I turned 16 and I remember it started out super dense. You're inspiring me to revisit it! I remember my copy was nicotine-stained and smelled awful but I loved it :) 3y
BookwormAHN I've read it a few times and love it 💚 3y
BookmarkTavern Yes! Give me all the lore! I have a copy somewhere filled with post it notes! 😅 (edited) 3y
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I was disappointed with this book. There were some intriguing characters, (especially Irene and Laura), but I think they book eventually fell flat. I loved Into the Water and enjoyed Girl on the Train, but there were too many story lines that weren‘t properly developed.

I could list many trigger warnings, but in particular there‘s a completely unnecessary scene of extreme animal cruelty.

Essentially, I think it‘s a sadly forgettable book.

Susanita Love the beverage! 3y
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Apologies if this has been posted, but I think this is hilarious!

Kappadeemom 🤣🤣🤣🤣 3y
batsy 😂😂 3y
rwmg I think months could be replaced by years 3y
Cathythoughts I love it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
JacqMac I feel seen 😂 3y
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North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell
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What is it about bad parents in Victorian literature?

Poor, put upon Margaret Hale does everything for her weakling of a mother and dithering father.

What are your nominations for bad parents in literature?

Lissa00 This is one of my favorite books! But yes, Margaret has to deal with frustrating parents. 3y
Libby1 @Lissa00 - that‘s good to know! They‘ve only just arrived at Milton and Margaret is knocking herself out getting everything done while those two simper and dither. I feel her pain! How long ago did you read it? 3y
Lissa00 @Libby1 I read it earlier this year. It‘s a slow moving book so it took me a while but I really enjoyed it. They have a BBC mini-series that is pretty good. I watched it after reading and I think that made me like it more:) 3y
rockpools Ooh, I haven‘t read Gaskell in ages. I must fix that - and yes, the mini- series is well worth a watch. Enjoy your weekend Libby! 3y
Libby1 Hi, @Lissa00 and @rockpools ! I watched the miniseries a number of years ago, and have wanted to read this for a long time. I hope you both have a good weekend! 3y
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Un Lun Dun | China Miville
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I‘m still trying to teach Scully cat not to chew on my books.


BookmarkTavern If you ever figure that out, you‘d probably make a mint on a how to book. I‘d buy one. 😂😂😂 3y
Libby1 @ozma.of.oz 😊❤️😻🧛🏻‍♀️ 3y
vivastory I really liked this book 3y
Libby1 @vivastory - that‘s good to know. I went to my TBR bookcase, closed my eyes, and just picked a book. I‘ve never selected my next book this way. 3y
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I feel like the Phantom of the Opera shouting at Christine when he‘s taken her to his underground lair.

Oryx Took me a moment to see this. I thought maybe you just really liked champ for a second 🎶🎵 3y
Libby1 @Oryx - maybe it was intentional? 😊 3y
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Dombey & Son | Charles Dickens
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Good morning, Littens!

I have found an oasis of calm this morning to try to power through the behemoth that is Dombey and Son.

I hope you all have a great day! ❤️📚❤️

Bookwormjillk That looks perfect 👍 3y
Mandoul Cafe Nero has often been my own oasis 😃 enjoy! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Enjoy!! ❤️ 3y
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Ben Aaronovitch!

Please please please write a spin-off series focusing on Elsie Winstanley and Dr. Postmartin.

Please please pretty please!!!

Dombey & Son | Charles Dickens
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Each September I read a Dickens novel, and this year‘s selection is Dombey and Son. I was surprised to realise that I only have one more novel left to read after this, so it‘ll be Martin Chuzzlewit next year!

I love how this coffee shop honours those clever goats and that even cleverer Ethiopian goatherd, Kaldi, who discovered coffee.

Thank you, Goats! ❤️🐐❤️☕️❤️

Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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From the For Reading Addicts Facebook page.

TrishB 😂😂 3y
CarolynM Thanks for the hugs you sent me on Liz's post. I'm doing fine but she really needs them. How are things in your part of Ireland? 3y
Libby1 Hi, @CarolynM . It‘s taken ages for me to reply! We‘re struggling to come to terms with how to keep schools running when there are positive cases. I hope you‘re well. ❤️ 3y
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I hit the Alexander McCall Smith jackpot at the library today!

I lost my job last week and am about to begin my penultimate shift (final shift tomorrow), so I‘m grateful I‘ll have something joyous to read.

I‘m OK, as we‘re not in desperate straits, but it is disappointing that I risk that I took to put myself forward for the job isn‘t working out.

Here‘s to Failing Forward and finding the next adventure! 🥳

katy4peas Oh, I‘m so sorry! Glad to hear you are being positive about it and that you are okay. Stay safe and good luck with the search! 😘🍀💕🤞. I haven‘t heard of these titles by him before. I love his books! 3y
squirrelbrain Oh no, sorry to hear that. Good luck with whatever comes next. AMS books are sure to cheer you up though. 3y
TrishB Sorry to hear- I hope you get what opportunities you want next ❤️ 3y
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rockpools Oh no, so sorry Libby. Wishing you exciting things around the corner 😘 3y
Jas16 So sorry to hear that but hoping that something even better is right around the corner. 3y
Reggie Here‘s to doors shutting and windows opening! 3y
Oryx So sorry this one didn't work out. Hoping that a great opportunity comes up soon. ♥️♥️ 3y
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Very good indeed.

This book would be an excellent tool for classrooms of middle grade students and teens. By discussing displacement the book gives a greater understanding to the reader of the reasons why people must flee, which I hope would invoke compassion and a sense of identification with people in this position.

The book is well written and thoughtful.

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Tender Buttons | Gertrude Stein
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Totally nonsensical, this book is impossible to rate, or even to understand in any coherent way. However, dipping in and out of the nonsense evokes a strange joy.

I‘ll leave you with the book‘s final thought, and if you figure out what this means you are a genius:

“The care with which there is an incredible justice and likeness, all this makes a magnificent asparagus, and also a fountain.”

Thanks, @SerialReader !


Lindy It combines three things I love—asparagus, fountains and justice—so it sounds joyous... whatever the sentence means. 3y
Libby1 @Lindy - how wonderful! Your comment brings joy to me. ❤️ 3y
Creadnorthey Read out load the sense of it is in the beauty of the sounds the words make- and it is beautiful. Sense not so important. 3y
Libby1 I think you‘re right, @Creadnorthey . I did enjoy that aspect of it as well. Quite often it made me laugh in sheer disbelief, but that is not a bad thing. 3y
Creadnorthey @Libby1 I know what you mean- it‘s incredible how her book stays with you- I can‘t remember any one line, but have this feeling of joy when I think about the words I read many, many years ago. Like you said it‘s a great book to dip into. 3y
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Tender Buttons | Gertrude Stein
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A New Yorker article from 1934 describing Gertrude Stein‘s driving ability, (or lack of it!) and comparing it with her writing style.

This gave me a chuckle as these poems are a HOT MESS.

rwmg 🤣 3y
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I couldn‘t resist. 🤣💀

(From the For Reading Addicts Facebook page.)

Eggs 😂😂😂😂 3y
Tamra Bahahaha 3y
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Reggie Totally my type of book!! Lolol 3y
MariaW 😱 3y
Bookzombie 😂😂😂 3y
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My goal for the #20in4 Readathon is 20 half hours, totalling ten hours! At the end of Day 3 I‘m nearly there.

My time was supplemented today by listening to the audiobook of the excellent Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu. What a book!

Thanks again, @Andrew65 for organising the Readathon. I hope everyone else is enjoying it as much as I am!

Andrew65 Doing great 👏👏👏 3y
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The Far Country | Nevil Shute
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This quiet, understated book brims over with rich descriptions of the landscapes and wildlife of 1950s Australia, as seen through the eyes of two recent immigrants. This was a gentle, thoughtful, kind love story that made me feel wistful.

Shute‘s writing is a dream, but his portrayal of post-war England was definitely more of a nightmare, which he oddly blamed on the National Health Service. I‘ll overlook that weird anomaly!


CarolynM His politics were pretty nasty. If you really want to be horrified read this one - I used to like his books but this was the last straw for me 3y
Libby1 @CarolynM - after posting the review I read a bit more about him. Thanks for letting me know. I liked the protagonists so much and then odd political statements were made… It seemed so discordant. 3y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 3y
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The Far Country | Nevil Shute
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I‘ve made a good start with the #20in4 Readathon!

I‘m hoping to read for 20 half hours, totalling 10 hours.

I‘m really enjoying this book set in Australia and England, as well as an audiobook by British astronaut Tim Peake.

Thanks for the encouragement, @Andrew65 ! I hope everyone taking part in the Readathon has had a great day!

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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Tender Buttons | Gertrude Stein
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This book is STRANGE.

I think I should wander about and randomly spout off lines like,

“The sudden spoon is the wound in the decision.”


GondorGirl 🤣🤣🤣 3y
PurpleyPumpkin 😂‼️ 3y
Lcsmcat I had the same reaction! 3y
Libby1 @GondorGirl , @PurpleyPumpkin , @Lcsmcat - I‘m not even trying to figure it out. I‘m just going to let it wash over me. 🌊 3y
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This was absolutely excellent. I learned so much, and have so much left to learn.

I will keep learning, and keep trying to “love fully”, as Jason Reynolds wrote in the Afterword.


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I had a little moment when reading this when I read the word “lifeline” as li-FELINE.


wanderinglynn Well cats are a kind of lifeline 🐱❤️😺 3y
Libby1 @wanderinglynn - they are for me, too. 😻 3y
rubyslippersreads My cats are definitely my lifeline, especially in all of the pandemic craziness. 😺 3y
Libby1 @rubyslippersreads - we adopted a second cat a few weeks ago. She‘s a bit odd looking so we‘re calling her Scully, as my husband said she looks like something out of the X-Files! 👽 3y
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As ever with this author, this book was a gentle, charming read.

Paul and his cousin Chloe are staying in a rural French village with the unlikely distinction of being the home of the second worst restaurant in France. Can Paul become a culinary hero? Can such simple things be considered heroic?

Alexander McCall Smith always paints kindness as a heroic endeavour.

TrishB That‘s such a nice way of putting it. 3y
Libby1 Thanks, @TrishB . He always writes about kindness, and this makes me happy. I hope you‘re well. ❤️ 3y
TrishB Hanging on in there! Hope you‘re good ❤️ 3y
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Underdogs | Chris Bonnello
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Underdogs is an engaging early teen dystopia where the heroes are all neurodivergent kids. Written by a neurodivergent author, Bonnello also leads the excellent Facebook group Autistic Not Weird.

I really liked this book. It had some typical first novel issues (the start was jittery), but it was great to read a book where neurodivergent people are the heroes!

And it had a villain with the unlikely name of Keith.


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