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Prince of Dogs
Prince of Dogs | Kate Elliott
3 posts | 7 read | 2 to read
Prince of Dogs returns readers to the war-torn kingdoms of Wendar and Varre, and the intertwined destinies of: Alain, raised in humble surroundings but now the Count's heir; Liath, who struggles to unravel the secrets of her past while evading the traps set for her by those seeking the treasure she hides; Sanglant, believed dead by those who could save him, but actually a prisoner in the city of Gent; and Fifth Son, who now builds an army to do his father's bidding--or his own!
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Prince of Dogs | Kate Elliott
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Some nights, you just wanna finish your book and eat cheese pasta out of a box. The pasta was only okay, but the book‘s still great. I‘m so glad I gave Kate Elliott another shot after a couple of disappointments. This series is totally my jam, with its vivid characters and multiple interesting conflicts. I can‘t wait to gulp down the last 30 pages.

monalyisha Omg I might have to go to the store & get some Kraft spirals. This is EXACTLY what I want to be eating. 3y
xicanti @monalyisha DO IT! This is the right night for cheese pasta. 3y
Tamra Some days are meant for the box! 3y
xicanti @Tamra truth! 3y
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Prince of Dogs | Kate Elliott
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Y‘all, PRINCE OF DOGS has got me dealing with some major hand pain. It‘s a solid reminder of why I prefer my chunksters as ebooks.

My hands hurt so much that I thought I‘d downgrade this to my in-between book, but it‘s also so completely what I feel like that I can‘t tear myself away. Guess I‘ll just have to live with the ache.

humouress Have you tried a book cushion (or similar). They hold your book for you and keep the page open 3y
xicanti @humouress the biggest problem with this one is that the spine is so stiff. I doubt tools would help with that. It‘s gotten a little easier to hold now I‘m further in, at least. The people who read it before me trained better flexibility into the spine after page 200 or so. 3y
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Prince of Dogs | Kate Elliott
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I‘m in the mood for something loooooong, so it‘s back into Kate Elliott! PRINCE OF DOGS is off to a very good start.