And so it begins! First flight, 1.5 hours. Not long enough for a whole book, but the next one is definitely long enough. 😂
And so it begins! First flight, 1.5 hours. Not long enough for a whole book, but the next one is definitely long enough. 😂
This was a fun, quick-paced heist story with multiple perspectives from a diverse cast of high schoolers. When Bellamy is accepted to MIT, her financial aid must go through her absent father who abandoned her. Problem is, Bell‘s dad is now filthy-stinking-rich, so her student loan request is denied. But her brilliant hacker friend Nari might have the perfect plan to get the funds from him anyway.
Surprisingly deeper and more intense than I thought it would be, but in a really great way. These kids love each other, and would do anything, including committing a felony, for each other.
This is fun and fabulous, and a celebration of geeks, scientists, athletes, and all around good and nice guys.
New today! This was touted on a list of top queer YA being released this winter/spring. It sounds fun, with friendship and hacker-y adventures. I‘ll let you all know on the flip side how it turns out.