Recent acquisitions:
📖 Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction by Edward Craig
📖 Beauty: A Very Short Introduction by Roger Scruton
#UniteAgainstBookBans and #LetUtahRead
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction by Edward Craig
📖 Beauty: A Very Short Introduction by Roger Scruton
#UniteAgainstBookBans and #LetUtahRead
Alternates sections on the author's list of favourite philosophers and on themes and questions. Mostly concerned with the European tradition with occasional glances at India. Does what it says on the tin, serves as an introduction.
An unfortunate example for a book published in 2020
As I said on Goodreads, don‘t be put off by reviewers who complain that this book “jumps around.” Craig isn‘t writing some high level Wiki, he‘s demonstrating connections between disparate topics and teaching the reader how to navigate an enormous, complex subject in very few pages. 💡💡💡💡💡(Image is from the book‘s own last page.
Also, have I mentioned how much I love The Good Place? 😍😍😍
Hoping to finish this today, so I can just move on. #notfun