Random book from our home library:
📖 Green Blades Rising: The Anglo-Saxons by Kevin Crossley-Holland
Random book from our home library:
📖 Green Blades Rising: The Anglo-Saxons by Kevin Crossley-Holland
Random book from our home library:
📖 Once & Future volume 2 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain
Recent acquisition:
📖 Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books by John Milton, With an Introduction and Notes on Its Structure and Meaning by John A. Himes
Random book from our home library:
📖 Allen Brown's English Castles by R. Allen Brown
Random book from our home library:
📖 Richard III: England's Black Legend by Desmond Seward
? Through Irish Eyes: A Visual Companion to Angela McCourt"s Ireland by David Pritchard, forward by Malachy McCourt
Random book from our home library:
📖 Regions of the Imagination: The Development of British Rural Fiction by W. J. Keith
Recent acquisition:
📖 The Legend of Robin Goodfellow by Phineas Cricket
Random book from our home library:
📖 Medieval English Verse and Prose edited by Loomis & Willard
Random book from our home library:
📖 Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, introduction by Marcelle Clements (Signet Classics)
Recent acquisition:
📖 A Colder Eye: The Modern Irish Writers by Hugh Kenner
Yesterday, I was pleased to find two Billy Bragg CDs at a local charity shop. I'm currently listening to Don't Try This at Home for the first time and I'm looking forward to listening to The Internationale. #TuesdayTunes
📖 How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe by Thomas Cahill
Recent acquisition:
📖 The Origins of Religious Dissent in England: An Account of the Origins and Events of the First English Revolt Against the Supreme Authority of the Roman Church by K. B. McFarlane
p. 232: 'The fact that all were at rest after the working week in a spiritual and social environment may ... have been a source of comfort.'
Random book from our home library:
📖 Selected Poems 1988-2013 by Seamus Heaney
Random book from our home library:
📖 No Unhallowed Hand (The Work and the Glory 7) by Gerald Lund
Recent acquisition:
📖 The Wars of the Roses: The Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors by Dan Jones
Random book from our home library:
📖 Geoffrey Chaucer (Bloom's Major Poets)
Random book from our home library:
📖 On an Irish Island by Robert Kanigel
Recent acquisition:
📖 Collected Plays of W.B. Yeats
Random book from our home library:
📖 Fabulous Feasts: Medieval Cookery and Ceremony by Madeleiene Pelner Cosman
Apparently #FridayFilms isn't already a thing. I plan to watch Ingmar Bergman's Nattvardsgästerna (usually called 'Winter Light' or 'The Communicants' in the US) tonight with my adult daughter.
Random book from our home library:
📖 Jesus by Michael Grant
Recent acquisition:
📖 Mudkark: In Search of London's Past Along the River Thames by Lara Maiklem
Random book from our home library:
📖 Everything You Know About England is Wrong by Matt Brown
Though music is a huge part of my life, this is my first #TuesdayTunes. I've been listening to a lot of Fontaines D.C. lately and I'm very excited to see them live for the second time in April.
Recent acquisition:
📖 Treasures of Britain and Treasures of Ireland by the Automobile Association
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Somerset Stories: Life and Laughter in Old Somerset by Robin Bush
📖 A Midsummer Night's Dream (Pelican Shakespeare) by William Shakespeare
Recent acquisitions:
📖 A History of Scandinavian Literature, 1870-1980 by Sven H. Rossel
📖 Britain (Life World Library)
Raised lots of interesting questions. Neufeld's art was good and sometimes unexpectedly clever and funny.
Didn't expect to meet my favourite poet (Yeats) in this book.
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Henry V: The Astonishing Triumph of England's Greatest Warrior King by Dan Jones
📖 South East England (Ancient Peoples and Places) by Ronald Jessup
Recent acquisitions:
📖 A Book About The Film Monty Python and the Holy Grail: All the References from African Swallows to Zoot by Darl Larsen
📖 The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 1944-1969 (I'm excited to finally have the third volume!)
p. 137: 'True peace is not merely the absence of some negative force - tension, confusion, or war; it is the presence of some positive force - justice, good will, and brotherhood.'
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Karl Marx: His Life and Environment by Isaiah Berlin
📖 On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
Recent acquisitions (purchased secondhand for my wife, Amy):
📖 Gods In the Global Village: The World's Religions in Sociological Perspective (Second Edition) by Lester R. Kurtz
📖 Mercy Without End: Toward a More Inclusive Church: Essays by Lavina Fielding Anderson, forward by Jana Riess
This translation was, at times, both easier and more difficult than others I have read.
Recent acquisitions (Christmas gifts from my daughter, Sarah):
📖 Story of Chester Lawrence by Nephi Anderson (signed by the author, my great-grandfather)
📖 The Adventures of Old Mr. Toad by Thornton W. Burgess
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy (I collect editions of Tess, my favourite novel, and this Christmas gift from my daughter is my 32nd)
📖 Cathedrals, Abbeys, and Churches of England and Wales: Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial (1898) by T. G. Bonney
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Shetland (Islands) by James R. Nicolson
📖 American Trinity and Other Stories from the Mormon Corridor by David G. Pace (signed by the author)
p. 14
'Then they showed forth the shield, that shone all red,
With the pentangle portrayed in purest gold.
About his broad neck by the baldric he casts it,
That was meet for the man, and matched him well.
For it is a figure formed of five points,
And each line is linked and locked with the next
For ever and ever, and hence it is called
In England, as I hear, the endless knot.'
p. 7
'And so I call in this court for a Christmas game,
For 'tis Yule and New Year, and many young bloods about;
If any in this house such hardihood claims,
Be so bold in his blood, his brain so wild,
As stoutly to strike one stroke for another,
I shall give him as my gift this gisarme noble,
This ax, that is heavy enough, to handle as he likes,
And I shall bide the first blow, as bare as I sit.
Recent acquisitions from The Last Bookstore:
📖 The Diplomas of King Æthlred 'the Unready' 978-1016: A Study in their Use as Historical Evidence by Simon Keynes (signed by the author)
📖 1066: The Year of Three Battles by Frank McLynn
Started Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A New Verse Translation by Marie Borroff
Join me on LibraryThing, BookWyrm, & Goodreads @bibliothecarivs.
Recent acquisitions:
📖 A Guest at the Feast: Essays by Colm Tóibín
📖 Cry God for Larry: An Intimate Memoir of Sir Laurence Olivier by Virginia Fairweather
Recent acquisitions:
📖 The Illustrated History of the Popes: An Authoritative Guide to the Lives and Works of the Popes of the Catholic Church, with 450 Images by Charles Phillips
📖 Latin-English Booklet Missal for Praying the Traditional Mass