Books do furnish a room
Books do furnish a room
New episode just posted!. “A Question of Upbringing“ is challenging too describe and even recommend broadly, but as we discuss characters, themes, and plot lines we find there is so much to enjoy and love from this 20th century classic. A rewarding read that favors a curious and patient reader. As always, thanks for listening and supporting us. Enjoy!
This is one of those books you settle into. It takes you on a leisurely float through Jenkins‘ life and the intricacies of human relationships. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what it is that puts this book in my favor but excellent books resist paraphrasing. I‘m looking forward to the next! (1 of 12) #1001Books
I‘m struggling to describe why I enjoyed this but I truly did. There‘s zero plot. It‘s rather like being a nosy fly on the wall, present at conversations you have no concern in. The writing is incredible and if you like between the wars time period this is perfect. On to book two.
#quotsynov19 #bonfire
For some reason, the sight of snow descending on fire always makes me think of the ancient world—legionaries in sheepskin warming themselves at a brazier; mountain altars where offerings glow between wintry pillars; centaurs with torches cantering beside a frozen sea—scattered, uncoordinated shapes from a fabulous past, infinitely removed from life; & yet bringing with them memories of things real and imagined.
A goal for 2019 is to read all 12 Volumes of the “Dance” - one each month. This is January and the 1st movement “A Question of Upbringing” taking Nicholas Jenkins from his public school (British, Boys, Boarding) up to University. He and his friends are well described- Powell has a genius for giving you all you need to know to define the characters through the smallest details. A bit Wodehouse, a bit Waugh and a nod to Proust. Loved V.1 4.5🌟
This is the year I read the 12 volumes of The Dance- one for each month. January- “A Question of Upbringing” - boarding school. Liking it so far. Inspired by the podcast “Backlisted” all about great backlisted books. Challenge accepted!
This was a pretty enjoyable coming of age story with a lot of allusions to the ELEVEN BOOKS that come after it.
My next #ModernLibraryTop100 book that I just picked up from the #library. Hoping this TWELVE BOOK SERIES is either so bad I can abandon it after the first book, or so good that I don't want to.
Fourth reread of the Dance. Funnier than I remember this time around