Big words with painting pictures!
I like how his book acts as a young children‘s picture book but is full of facts. Short/easy read!
“A stream is big enough for a canoe. The water can move fast in a mountain stream! The stream bubbles and roars, racing downhill.”
This has cute illustrations but has a lot of facts on each page. The facts might overpower some children but is very informational.
Follow the water from Brook to Ocean by Arthur Dorros is a nonfiction book that was written in 1991. This book is about water and where it goes once it hits the ground. This is the process of where water goes from the rain and from the Brooke and then to the stream. It says facts and activities that can done in the water. This book even talks about natural disasters that can come from water.
“Water always flows downhill. It flows from high places to low places, just the way you and your skateboard move down a hill.”
Each page has a few sentences so it is not too many words but also enough to inform readers. The pictures also demonstrate the story as well.
Follow the Water from Book to Ocean is a nonfiction book written and illustrated by Arthur Dorros. This book states facts rather than opinions and theories. It adds in little facts about animals that are likely to happen. I do not see a reference to where the facts are coming from however much of it is common knowledge. This book is very informational.