You could paint my face from forehead to chin and wrap me in silk, and I still wouldn‘t belong there.
You could paint my face from forehead to chin and wrap me in silk, and I still wouldn‘t belong there.
the living are messy and complicated, and things end up going to hell one way or another, every time.
there had to be a reason, didn‘t there? Things didn‘t just happen randomly—the world didn‘t work that way.
Maybe this was a mistake. It was like going into enemy territory without a map.
My mom used to say, ‘Every person you meet‘s like a fascinating story you‘ve never read before.‘
What I knew about mother-son relationships could share the space on a single neuron with my understanding of steam engine maintenance. Probably I knew more about steam engines.
I didn‘t know what he was thinking, but I could tell that whatever it was, it meant only trouble.
The illustration showed a gypsy woman sitting at a table with a bowl of water, ghostly figures swirling in the air above her like smoke from a pie she‘d left in the oven too long.
The dead, maybe because they have nothing to lose, are always honest.
The dead, maybe because they have nothing to lose, are always honest.
Really loved this book! The characters are really relatable. I would love to read more of Cass's story.
I really enjoyed this one when I read it because of how prickly and damaged the heroine was. It's refreshing to read a supernatural novel in which the protagonist is exploring her powers, yes, but also healing from grief and learning to live in the ordinary world. I found it inspiring.