FREE BOOK ALERT! I think it‘s only through today November 8. I haven‘t read this yet, but a free book is a free book! High Goodreads rating too. Grab it while you can. ☺️ https://amzn.to/4elXlKm
FREE BOOK ALERT! I think it‘s only through today November 8. I haven‘t read this yet, but a free book is a free book! High Goodreads rating too. Grab it while you can. ☺️ https://amzn.to/4elXlKm
Enjoying some late-afternoon front porch reading in the last couple hours of daylight. ❤️ Such a lovely afternoon. Grateful for this super fresh air after all these bad-air days due to Canadian wildfires! AQI is currently at 19! ☺️🙌 Never mind that I‘m 31 days behind in my current reading plan 🙈 Still gonna try to catch up!
Snow day! So thrilled to get to curl up with my Bible, a hot chocolate, coffee, and my sweet little girl for a few hours this morning watching the snow. 💕 What a peaceful time.
Yummy whipped-cream-topped hot chocolate from hubby and my little cutie pie! 🥰
Due to a series of unforeseen circumstances, my 60 day plan turned into a 90 day plan, and I‘m behind on that too. So I‘m almost 1/3 of the way through the Bible now after my Jan 1 start. I really was hoping to finish in early March, or at least in time for my four-year Christian anniversary on March 16, but hey, I‘m just doing the best I can! #BibleBuddyRead
Need a LAST MINUTE instant download printable Valentine‘s Day card? Buy once and use as many times as you want! ❤️ They‘re on sale for just $2.25 each, no code needed!
Obviously my favorite read of 2022!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If you haven‘t read it yet, you‘re missing out.
I really liked reading in this particular Bible. It felt welcoming and the intros and explanations were a huge help. Gorgeous art too! 2022 reading goal accomplished!!! 🙌🏻🎉🎊 #BibleBuddyRead
My new view for a couple days while hubby works on fixing the backed up plumbing in our house 🙊 Lots of unforeseen expenses, ugh. 😓 Well, my little daughter and I are making the most of it. 😬 Bible reading and working on new designs for my Etsy shop. I didn‘t bring my big beautiful Bible, just this little purse-size KJV.
Happy New Year 2023 instant download printable greeting cards are up in the shop if anyone wants them! 🤗🖤💛🥂🍾 https://greenpasturesartshop.etsy.com
Our final week of #BibleBuddyRead 2022!!!!! 😃🥳🤗🙌 Reading Revelation this week and then, for those keeping up, we‘ll have read the entire Bible in a year! 👏👏👏
Merry Christmas, Litsy family! 🎄❤️ Need a last minute Christmas card or gift? My Etsy shop has you covered! 🤗 And everything is 50% off! 🎁 https://etsy.me/3Vd5EPE or https://greenpasturesartshop.etsy.com ❤️❤️❤️
How beautifully illustrated is this verse from 3 John?! 😍
(I‘m reading slightly ahead to make sure I finish on time😄)
We‘re almost there, everyone! For Week 51, the #BibleBuddyRead is reading Hebrews, James, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude. 🙌🏻 Loving this new mug I got at a Christmas party mug swap! And it came with chocolate covered marshmallow mug toppers! #hotchocolateandabook
Would anyone like to share thoughts /takeaways/ favorite verses from the #BibleBuddyRead‘s readings from this past week? 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter 🙌🏻 #WeeklyWrapUp
Another exciting week ahead in the #BibleBuddyRead, with 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter — a great book a day for week 50! 🙌🏻 And, it snowed again! So cozy for reading. ❤️
HUGE NEWS!!📢😃Calling *all* Litsy family (male, female, Christian, non): If you‘ve ever wanted to read the most popular book of all time—the Bible—this is your chance to buddy read it in just TWO MONTHS!Consider this your official invitation to join me in this adventure: Power Read The Bible In 60 Days With Jeff Anderson. I‘ll be doing this plan on the free YouVersion Bible app https://www.bible.com/app Please share! ⬇️Continued in comments⬇️
Let‘s chat about the amazing Epistles of Paul we just read—Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians!😃🙌🏻 What verses stood out most? Any favorites? #BibleBuddyRead #WeeklyWrapUp
How gorgeous is this intro page to Colossians in the She Reads Truth Bible? 😍
Colossians was amazing. On to first Thessalonians! 😃🙌🏻 #BibleBuddyRead
#BibleBuddyRead friends, we have a very exciting week ahead of us! Week 49‘s readings are Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians! Truly excellent books, I hope you enjoy them! 😃🙌🏻 It‘s a rainy day here, perfect for reading ☺️
Happy Thanksgiving, Litsy family!❤️🍁🍂It‘s #SmallBusinessSaturday and I‘m excited to share with you my BRAND NEW Etsy shop! Some of you may recall that years ago, I used to sell prints and greeting cards of my bookish paintings. The overhead of that would be too much for me now as a toddler mom, but that‘s why digital downloads are awesome🤗 I‘d be so grateful for your support of my shop! These make great gifts!🎁PROMO CODES BELOW⬇️ for $$ off!🥰
1 & 2 Corinthians are such incredible reads! Which verses stood out to you the most? #BibleBuddyRead #WeeklyWrapUp
It‘s Week 46 of the #BibleBuddyRead and we‘re reading 1 & 2 Corinthians—such wisdom in these books! …Also, we had our first snow of the season last night! 😍❄️
The #BibleBuddyRead is wrapping up Week 44 checking off Hosea, Joel, & Amos, and coming up on Week 45 with Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk. 8 books in 2 weeks! 🙌🏻
Or in this case, Multi-Week Wrap-Up 😬🙈
I haven‘t been able to keep up with posting as much as I‘d like…My hubby, our daughter, and both her grandmas and I all have our birthdays in September & October. Add that to what is already a very busy season of life and, well, you get the idea. So here‘s an update on the #BibleBuddyRead‘s progress:
☑️Ezekiel ☑️Daniel ☑️Psalms ☑️Romans
Would you like to share your thoughts?
Anyone else have difficulty picturing what‘s described in Ezekiel 1? 😳 I found this video helpful https://youtu.be/Iziuvkci4yM
#BibleBuddyRead #BibleBuddyReadResources
A perfect cozy rainy reading day!
The #BibleBuddyRead is spending the next 2.5 weeks in the book of Ezekiel.
After finishing Jeremiah, next up for the #BibleBuddyRead = the book of Lamentations!
Having finished the book of Acts, the #BibleBuddyRead is spending the rest of September reading the book of Jeremiah! 🙌🏻
We‘re about 2/3 through the book of Acts! Any verses/thoughts/takeaways you‘d like to share from this book so far? #BibleBuddyRead
Today the #BibleBuddyRead starts the book of Acts! 😃🙌🏻
The #BibleBuddyRead just finished the book of Isaiah! 🙌🏻 Any verses, thoughts, takeaways you‘d like to share? #WeeklyWrapUp
🍂🍃🍁 Here in the forest on the mountaintop, leaves are already changing colors and falling—a sure sign that it‘s time to get our #hygge on! Paired with hot coffee, a candle, and “cozy blend” scented essential oils, it‘s a perfect read for this overcast day. This exciting new book comes out on Sept 6. You can preorder it now! Holy Hygge: Creating a Place for People to Gather and the Gospel to Grow https://a.co/d/8MsClqE
#fall #autumn #cozy
We‘re about 2/3 through Isaiah! Any verses/thoughts/takeaways you‘d like to share from this book so far? #BibleBuddyRead #WeeklyWrapUp
First time in my life a book has moved me to tears before I‘m even past the preface! 🥹
I‘d say that‘s a good sign.
Today the #BibleBuddyRead commences 3 weeks in the book of Isaiah!
“Isaiah proclaimed a message to urge [the Jews] to repentance and covenant fidelity with the Lord, while also preaching about the hope of Jesus Christ. As we read Isaiah thousands of years later, may we also be reminded to cling to obedience in the Lord, remain faithful to His Word, and persistently remember the hope that Jesus Christ offers us every single day.”-The Bible Handbook
Hi #BibleBuddyRead friends, dare I ask if you would like to share your thoughts on Song of Songs? 🙈 Also the Psalms we read 😄
Are you ready for this, #BibleBuddyRead friends? We‘re reading Song of Solomon, aka Song of Songs! 😮 And also Psalms 107-128. I don‘t know about you, but I had to heavy-hit the commentaries for Song of Songs! YouTube videos too. Please share the resources you‘ve discovered! I‘ve been looking for study guides on this book and haven‘t found any yet.
It‘s time for some #WeeklyWrapUp book talk for the #BibleBuddyRead!
This past week we read the entire book of Ecclesiastes, as well as Psalms 97-106.
I‘m really curious what you thought of Ecclesiastes in particular…for me, this reading was very different from my first.
Favorite (or most memorable) verse(s) from the week?
What are your thoughts/takeaways?
What stood out to you the most from what we read?
After Ecclesiastes this week, the #BibleBuddyRead is reading Psalms 97-106. I love Psalm 100! This will be the next one I commit to memory. ❤️
Sharing this for those of you reading Ecclesiastes like 😵🤯😭… Reading the commentaries has really helped me. #BibleBuddyRead
Today the #BibleBuddyRead starts the book of Ecclesiastes! …It‘s, um, different…😬…hence my wanting extra background and commentary for this one!
✨FREE BOOK ALERT!✨I paid $5 for this ebook a month ago when it launched, but right now it‘s available for free! Snag one for free while you still can! It comes up as a pop up window when you visit their website https://relearn.org.
#Christian #BibleBuddyReadResources #BibleBuddyRead
It‘s time for some #WeeklyWrapUp book talk for the #BibleBuddyRead!
This past week we read the entire Gospel of John. ❤️
What was your favorite (or most memorable) verse or verses that you read this week?
What are your thoughts/takeaways?
What stood out to you the most from what we read?
What did you learn?
I am so awed by this passage. Jesus prayed for ME! And all other believers! 🥰 Amazing. This is definitely one of my biggest takeaways from the book of John! Hallelujah! ❤️🙏🏻 #BibleBuddyRead
Rainy days are just the coziest reading days, aren‘t they?😍🌧
Get excited, #BibleBuddyRead friends—this week we‘re reading the book of John! I broke out the big guns for this one, the MacArthur Study Bible, because I don‘t want to miss a thing. ❤️
I love MacArthur‘s comment: “The reader must prayerfully and meticulously explore the book, in order to discover the vast richness of the spiritual treasures that the apostle, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has lovingly deposited in his gospel.”