I‘ll be finishing Shadowspell Academy and listening to Miss Peregrine‘s Home for Peculiar Children while at work for this weekend‘s #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread1
I‘ll be finishing Shadowspell Academy and listening to Miss Peregrine‘s Home for Peculiar Children while at work for this weekend‘s #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread1
This was so good!!!!! Like a cross between “Goblet of Fire” and “The Hunger Games.” I freaking LOVED it, and hated for it to end. Just a note, this was also divided up into three “novels”.
Found this trilogy in the most read books on Goodreads this week so I binge read them. Checkout The Shadowspell Academy.
29-31/50 #goodreadsreadingchallenge2019
So I'm grouping them all together because really, they should have been one book. The story is gripping, the characters diverse/ fleshed out, but they're way too short. Books 1 and 2 end on a dumb cliffhanger that doesnt work.
My second issue with these is how inconsisstant the writing is about the MC's big secret. Characters not in the know say it loudly enough multiple times there is no way others didnt hear. However. I do recommend them.