Twas good. You should all read it. Tagging the English translation for easy finding.
Twas good. You should all read it. Tagging the English translation for easy finding.
Ah, the #bokfika returns. At the Dane, a cafe a former coworker of mine opened, reading with Lucas (he's reading the last Circle book, I'm reading this, the existence of which I was reminded by @silentrequiem )
A great book, much easier to read than I thought. Perhaps a bit heavy on repetition, but I enjoyed the format where you advance through the story together with the author rather than just being served facts. Bea Uusma seems a bit odd though, and I don't know how much of that is genuine.
I've got a thing for polar expeditions. My first impression is that there is a likeness to Diski's Skating to Antarctica, but I think I'll like this more.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.5
I don't know why I expect these books to give me answers when I know they won't; how could they? so that was a disappointment, but even so, this was heartbreaking and beautiful the whole way through.