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The Beautiful Pretender
The Beautiful Pretender | Melanie Dickerson
3 posts | 13 read | 8 to read
After inheriting his title from his brother, the margrave has two weeks to find a noble bride. What will happen when he learns he has fallen for a lovely servant girl in disguise? The Margrave of Thornbeck has to find a bride, fast. He invites ten noble born ladies who meet the kings approval to be his guests at Thornbeck Castle for two weeks, a time to test these ladies and reveal their true character. Avelina has only two instructions: keep her true identity a secret and make sure the margrave doesnt select her as his bride. Since the latter seems unlikely, she concentrates on not getting caught. No one must know she is merely a maidservant, sent by the Earl of Plimmwald to stand in for his daughter, Dorothea. Despite Avelinas best attempts at diverting attention from herself, the margrave has taken notice. And try as she might, she cant deny her own growing feelings. But something else is afoot in the castle. Something sinister that could have far worsefar deadlierconsequences
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The Beautiful Pretender | Melanie Dickerson
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Just a few of Melanie Dickerson's Fairytale Retellings. #sizzlinsummerbooks @Tiffy_Reads My sister-in-law has read just about all of them, and has absolutely nothing bad to say about them. Her favorite is The Golden Braid, which she constantly raves about. Personally, I've only read The Beautiful Pretender, but I loved it. 🤙

The Beautiful Pretender | Melanie Dickerson
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Such a gorgeous cover and delightfully wholesome story. The Beautiful Pretender is a romantic fairy tale that will capture your heart early on and not let go until the last word on the very final page. I haven't read anything else by Dickerson, but I will now. 📚☺️

The Beautiful Pretender | Melanie Dickerson
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Such lovely sentiments! 😍