Okay so brain fart moment as I‘m still new and lost in this app. How do I repost something from here. I would like to participate more but I‘m not sure how.
Okay so brain fart moment as I‘m still new and lost in this app. How do I repost something from here. I would like to participate more but I‘m not sure how.
This is my confused face because I got another #halloweengoespostal package! @BookHermit thank you for the extra goodies you sent my way!
When 4 wildly different books all come in from your holds at the same time. Eenie meenie miney moe!
A knock-out coming of age YA about identity, belonging, friendship, and romance. Dimple discovers what her passions are, (re)connects with her culture and family, reimagines an old friendship, & falls in love. Throughout she feels stuck between cultures: too Indian to really be American & too American to really be Indian. I loved the writing. Hidier did a great job making the voice teenagery but also profound & very funny. Great queer inclusions.
Day 3 of #RiotGrams: "This is one version of #HowIRead! In bed with my big south-facing windows. Usually I have about two print books on the go and one audiobook, which I listen to while doing other activities where I wouldn't normally be able to get in reading time like washing dishes or working out. I always bring a book with me whenever I leave the house and can read pretty much anywhere." - Rioter @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian
This is one version of #HowIRead! In bed with my big south-facing windows. Usually I have about two print books on the go and one audiobook, which I listen to while doing other activities where I wouldn't normally be able to get in reading time like washing dishes or working out. I always bring a book with me whenever I leave the house and can read pretty much anywhere. #Riotgrams
"It had been the beginning of a cruel summer, spent with my head in the fridge and my heart in the garbage disposal."
#YA #WeNeedDiverseBooks